How to convert VCD to MPEG1 or DAT to MPEG1 : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Is there any program out there that can convert VCD content back to MPEG1 for editing?

Thanks a lot!


-- David Leung (, May 25, 2001


First of all, if you can, don't edit in MPEG. For those who can't be prevented from editing in MPEG, when the original source files are encoded to MPEG, the "closed GOPs" option should be chosen (as in TMPGenc) but this of course guarantees editing down only to every 15th frame accuracy (if GOP=15), and on converting the *.dat file in the VCD back to MPEG (through the use of VCDGear, for example), it's hard to tell if the resulting *.mpg file still maintains these closed GOPs. A better proposition here is to open the *.mpg file in VirtualDub, then save it as a bonafide *.avi file using a codec already residing in your system. Note that if successful, your *.mpg may balloon to something like 5 to 10x its original size, which may complicate matters regarding 2GB filesize limitations. But you can happily edit this *.avi file now. Go figure.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, May 26, 2001.

Use VCDGear, converts to-from VCD/MPEG

-- Mr E (, May 31, 2001.


-- sophon (, January 18, 2004.

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