Will this hit make the headlines?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Tonight Peter Jennings announced that the accusations the Bush people (he identified them as either the "new administration" or the "Bush administration) made of the Clinton/Gore Administration's trashing of the White House was today found to be completely false.

-- Cherri (jessam5@home.com), May 18, 2001


"What often happens in Washington is gossip becomes news. That's not a good thing."

uh, no; what's "not a good thing" is that the people who claimed to be "restoring honor and integrity to the white house" were the ones who perpetuated the lies. bet you won't hear that on the flush show or faux "news".

-- (dittomonkeys@re.morons), May 18, 2001.

Clinton ‘trashed’ the White House for 8 years.

David Goldstein is an ultra liberal Jew who has made a career of bashing the Republican ranks.

GWB had debunked this story as soon as it hit the press back in late January.

Not worth any coverage now.

-- Just (the@facts.folks), May 18, 2001.

no he didn't. that story was allowed to perpetuate -- and GROW -- for more than two weeks before anyone in the administration said anything. and then it was li'l ari fleischer clarifying that by "cataloguing" he really meant "one guy keeping a list in his head".

turns out there was nothing -- GOT THAT? NOTHING -- to keep a list of.

dumbya never said one word about the story itself; all he said was "it's time to move on". NO ONE in the administration ever "debunked" it.

if you really want "just the facts", you might want to stop taking the gop faxsheet as gospel.

-- (dittomonkeys@re.morons), May 19, 2001.

"GWB had debunked this story as soon as it hit the press back in late January."

This is the classic deception strategy that Dumbya uses. He pays someone else to fabricate lies and spread it all over the media, and then he claims to know nothing about it, because he too "superior" to indulge in such things.

-- (Dumbya is @ crooked. bastard), May 19, 2001.

Dumbya is a moron.

-- Moron is a dumbya (is@a.dumbyamoron), May 19, 2001.

Where's Ain't Gonna Happen when we need him?

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (tarzan@swingingthroughthejunglewithouta.net), May 21, 2001.

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