Off to Michigan for the Summer! : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Hello my friends. Shutting down a residence hall for the summer here at school, and I'll be spending a week in KC with Dale (Chipgirl), then I'll be headed to Allendale, Michigan to run a residence hall full of hormonal men and woman up there for three and a half months. Just wanted to wish you all a safe and happy summer! Take care!

Chris Carleton aka ~Drizzt of Exile~

-- Drizzt of Exile (, May 13, 2001


Good luck on your summer job. Sounds like you will have your hands full...:) Hi to Chipgirl too..: :)

-- Jai zee (, May 19, 2001.

Just steer clear of all those hormonally challenged youngsters, Drizzt. They can come at you with swords (see Wolfie's latest posting) and all sorts of odd things! Come and tell us how it's going some night please?

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, May 25, 2001.

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