Which Artist's Summer Tour Would You Groove To???greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
A USAToday's poll asks the question:Which artist's summer tour would you groove to?
Results so far I think are surprising. I see that I picked first-place.
Check it out here:Link
-- (fyi@fyi.fyi), May 11, 2001
To take the poll...Link to some other polls on the USAToday site...
Several Other Polls
-- (fyi@fyi.fyi), May 11, 2001.
Which recently heartbroken star should have Jennifer Lopez's love now that she and Puffy are through?
-- (cin@cin.cin), May 11, 2001.
Robert Blake
-- (nemesis@awol.com), May 12, 2001.