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The Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 BetaHave you tried Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 beta yet? If not, you might want to take a look to see what you like. We have been running IE 6 for several weeks now and have seen only a few bugs, none of them especially crippling.
There are a number of new features. We like the fact that you can very easily customize the toolbar and then lock it down once you're happy with what you have.
You really need to try it for yourself. After all, you can always go back to your original setup.
Click here to get Microsoft Internet Explorer 6. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/download/preview/ie6/betanote.asp?FinishURL=%2Fdownloads%2Frelease%2Easp%3FReleaseID%3D28711%26redirect%3Dno
- Sue Whitehouse
-- Anonymous, May 08, 2001
I would suggest monitoring the Bulletin Boards first to see what others are experiencing.Unless you enjoy using your system as a guinea pig for MS's amusement.
-- Anonymous, May 08, 2001