Colloidal Silver - what is it? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

What is colloidal silver? What is it supposed to do, where does it come from? My vet said that one of her clients is a retired homeopathic practitioner and she used it on her old dog's teeth for tarter removal and it worked. My vet also said she has another client that used it on a cat's tarter problem and it worked. We both want to know what is it? I have an old kitty that has so many health problems I don't want to put her under the stress of anesthesia for her teeth and if there is an alternative out there I'd love to hear about it! (It might save on a few dentist bills for the humans in the household, too!) Thanks!

-- T. Burnash (, April 25, 2001


Hello T, Check the archives here at countryside. Check also I learned a lot about it at both places. I have not found anything negative about its use or properties. I seems to work like an antibiotic on over 650 diseases. It it made by running electricity through silver wires into water. You drink the water or add it to your beverages. Folks around here make little power supplies to produce the chemical reaction. I have send them sold on from $32.00 up to $72.00 Sincerely, Ernest

-- (, April 25, 2001.

My husband is a fireman and was burned on his face during a fire one time. The Dr. gave him a salve containing the CS and it healed that burn very quickly without a scar. We have used that salve on many things and it has always worked like a wonder.

-- cindy (, April 25, 2001.

Cured my daughter's Lyme disease with it - it acts as an antibiotic.

-- Christina (, April 27, 2001.

If you take it in high doses it will turn your skin permanantly blue.Pretty cool stuff huh?It goes down well with a snake oil chaser.

-- notanmd (notanmd@seenone.webtv), May 02, 2001.

Actually, the thing about the skin turning blue (called argyria) is not from taking colloidal silver in high doses. It is from taking silver in an unassimilable form (not as a colloid) over a long period of time.

The story of the "blue woman" is a favorite of the medical establishment in trying to defame alternative healing. See there ain't no profit in little old colloidal silver like there is in the pharmeceutical companies' patented remedies, so its important to try to defuse any large public interest in it so as to keep it a remote and little used remedy. Trouble is, this case is pretty much the only one they've been able to come up with, although I'm quite certain if sales of silver colloid started to go up, they could easily enough pay a few more people to 'turn blue'. In other words, yeah, its possible to contract argyria through improper use of silver, and I suppose its even possible for someone to contract it through PROPER use, but it virtually NEVER happens, and that makes it an anecdote, pure and simple. Which pales in comparison, to put it mildly, with the number of people (by various medical establishment estimates, from 50,000 to 96,000) who DIE EVERY YEAR IN THIS COUNTRY DIRECTLY FROM THE APPROVED USE OF PRESCRIPTION DRUGS.

Use your best judgement, of course; we will all believe what we will, but there are at least two sides to everything.

Wishing you the best in natural health,

-- Earthmama (, May 02, 2001.

Earthmama you don't mean to say that the medical establishment kills more people each year than all those nasty old guns do you?

-- notanmd (notanmd@seenone.webtv), May 03, 2001.

Thanks for all the info. This is opening up possibilities for many other issues besides the origianl one I asked about. I hate using antibiotics for anything besides acute infections in myself or my critters and this sounds like a strong alternative. More research to do!

-- T. Burnash (, May 04, 2001.

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