SHT - see the space station! : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
See The Space StationDid you know you could see the new International Space Station from the ground? Lots of satellites are visible on clear nights. They look like bright, fast-moving stars. They're easy to find, too, thanks to the Satellite Sighting Information page at NASA's huge Website. The page lists cities around the world. Click on yours, or the one nearest to you, and you'll learn when and where to look to see the station and the space shuttle pass overhead. NASA's site is one of the largest, best maintained, and most informative on the Net. You can see cool pictures of the surface of Mars, or the Sun in ultraviolet light, or learn about the history and future of manned spaceflight. It's invaluable for schoolkids.
Click here for NASA's Satellite Sighting Information page
Click here for NASA's main page
- Dennis Ryan
(Our weather man keeps us alerted and we go out and watch for it when we can!)
-- Anonymous, April 24, 2001