GORE - has gained nearly three stone (42 lbs)

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ET Gore shows that he's no political lightweight
By Toby Harnden, in Washington

AL GORE, who has taken to calling himself the person who used to be the next president of the United States, has ballooned since the election campaign and gained nearly three stone in weight.

Now a journalism professor at Columbia University while he ponders whether to run for the White House in 2004, Mr Gore is said to have sought solace in food. He is eating voraciously and his staff and friends are alarmed at the huge weight gain after losing the election," an anonymous source told Michael Sneed, a columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times.

Like his former boss President Bill Clinton, who was famously partial to Krispy Kreme doughnuts, Mr Gore has always struggled to prevent his waistline expanding. Two months before the election, he was putting on the pounds munching cheese steaks with shift workers in Philadelphia and chomping on late-night hamburgers watching television.

During the final stretch, however, Mr Gore's frenetic pace helped him slim down. Dispensing with jackets and rolling up his sleeves, he would sweat profusely while bounding along rope lines to shake the hand of every last supporter.

But the Florida recount took its toll as he camped in his dining room berating lawyers over the telephone and watching every twist and turn on cable television. The weight piled on again and he was spied at Café Deluxe in Washington's Georgetown ordering a meat loaf platter with French green beans and horseradish mashed potatoes plus extra gravy on the side before finishing off with a peach cobbler dessert.

President Bush, who exercises in the middle of each day, put on a few pounds on the campaign trail but appears to have shed them since moving into the White House. Mr Gore may have to return to staging Kennedyesque photo calls involving him playing touch American football or jogging with his children if he is to keep in shape.

One option could be to work out with Mr Clinton, who is reported to have been hanging out in a local bar in Chappaqua.

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2001


probably beginning his run err, roll, for the presidency. geez, he spent way too much time trying to look like a cross between christopher reeves and ronald reagan. that didn't work, so put on a few pounds, and try to look like a real politician for a change.

could work.

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001

Sorry bout that...I am punch tired! had her in my clipboard.

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001

Sure, SAR, on her chubby is cute.

"so put on a few pounds, and try to look like a real politician for a change" Dave, I don't especially trust a politician who exhibits such a lack of self control. Sure wouldn't be my first choice.

You'd think with Tipper's mental health background she would have found a way to coax him through this. So, also wondering what's happening on the marital front. Maybe Al just isn't getting enough exercise at night?

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001

I read some gossip somewhere that Tipper was taking it much worse than Al.

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001


Al will attempt to run again, to get a second nomination.

He will fail because no one will contribute money for a second run.

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001

brooks, you said - "I don't especially trust a politician who exhibits such a lack of self control. Sure wouldn't be my first choice."

you didn't vote for clinton did you? plenty of lack of self control out there. al's problem is that his is visible.

i'll bet he's more relaxed now, al being al.

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2001

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