Clintons' Defense Fund - Orioles owner and TV mogul contribute 10k : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
USA Today04/16/2001 - Updated 07:52 PM ET
Orioles owner, TV mogul give to Clinton legal fund
WASHINGTON (AP) — Baltimore Orioles owner Peter Angelos and Chicago-based television mogul Fred Eychaner gave $10,000 apiece to the Clintons' legal defense fund in the first three months of the year, according to records filed Monday with the secretary of the Senate.
Eychaner also gave at least $20,000 to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's 2000 political campaign.
With one Clinton an ex-president and the other a newly elected senator, the legal defense fund collected $260,000 from some 3,000 donors between Jan. 1 and March 31 to help defray the costs of the now-ended criminal investigations involving the Whitewater controversy and the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Because Mrs. Clinton is now a U.S. senator, the legal defense fund set up by the Clintons' supporters is required to file reports every three months with the secretary of the Senate.
A month ago, the legal defense fund announced the Clintons still owe nearly $4 million in legal bills, a figure that took into account almost all of the money raised so far this year.
-- Anonymous, April 17, 2001