Shelby's Birthday! (April 1) : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Hey everyone ... it's Shelby's birthday on April 1st! (No fooling!)Come sign her card at:
And wish her a foolishly happy birthday!
-- editrix (, March 31, 2001
Happy Birthday * many happy returns of the day.ya must be the biggest april fool in vp lol Hugsssssssssssss, & wishing u lots of happiness- JAS(goal__)
-- Jas B (, April 01, 2001.
Hey Abby girl!Hope you had a fabulous birthday. We'll hopefully be able to catch up soon. I signed your card so make sure you check it out :p~
Love you!
-- Abby ABBY ABBY (, April 11, 2001.