POL - Campaign finance reformer Hillary planning big bucks Puerto Rican fundraiser for HILLPAC

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Reformer Hil Out For Big Bucks

By DAVE GOLDINER Daily News Staff Writer

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is a top supporter of the campaign finance reform bill, but that's not stopping her from wooing big-bucks political donors.

Even as the bill banning soft money moves closer to approval in the Senate, Clinton is going forward with plans for an April 22 fund-raiser expected to net $100,000 for her political action committee.

The event, the first public fund-raiser for the organization known as HILLPAC, is billed as a meeting with Puerto Rican business and civic leaders, from both New York and the island.

"We thought it was a good opportunity for Puerto Ricans, who have supported Hillary so strongly, to see her upclose and personal," said Emily Madoff, a lawyer who is co-host of the event.

Up to 50 people are expected to fork over at least $2,000 each for the chance to hobnob with Clinton. Key topics are expected to be the suspended Navy bomber training on the island of Vieques and potential changes in rules governing the island's economic status.

Clinton's new PAC will fund her travel and efforts to raise money for Democratic candidates nationwide.

Clinton insiders hope the river of cash will help build her profile as a national Democratic kingmaker. Critics say it could be a springboard for Clinton to run for President in 2004.

The PAC cash is considered hard money, and each donor can give $5,000 per year. This sort of cash would not be affected by the McCain-Feingold bill, which would ban unregulated, so-called soft money to independent political groups.

Original Publication Date: 3/30/01

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

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