wanna find a phat rave for 1st time

greenspun.com : LUSENET : North Carolina Raves : One Thread

yo im 18 and im lookin for a tight rave to go to for the 1st time in the charlotte area thoug i will travel to greensboro or any where else so if u know of anything that i could go and get crunked up at and flow hit me up

-- Anonymous, March 26, 2001


march 27, nights, 10-7 greensboro or elavated the next night

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

Electric Daisy Carnival its in austin, texas its fucking HUGE expected around 20-25 thousand people, yes im serious, freakin HUGE. electric daisy carnival happens every year and tours across the us, last year it was in california. man its may5th, if you have an out of state id tix are cheaper also. but this one will be SOOO big, even the abercrombie kids from my school are going i mean it is HUGE. did i mention it was gonna be HUGE?

-- Anonymous, April 25, 2001

hay...go to durham at the armory. on may 4th. its called system 3. i was at system 2 and it was nice, and i will be goin to the next one too =0) or there is always the one at myrtle beach on the 12. ak12000 is gonna be there!

-- Anonymous, April 28, 2001

yo peep friday nights @ the church in atlanta or come to atlanta for the party on june 2nd.. ak1200 sandra collins baby anne... or for details on raves in your area hit up www.carolinaspins.com

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2001

hey well e- mail me and i can tell you were you could go or you can come over to my house and i will show you my self! christina

-- Anonymous, November 06, 2001

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