How do you get people back to work from sick leave? : LUSENET : What keeps you up at night? : One Thread

I work in a manufacturing plant and we have a tremendous problem with sick leave. When we don't grant informal leave, or simply when people don't want to come to work they go on sick leave. The problem is threatning our business. There are pyschiatrist who would have no business at all without our employees and the company's great benefits. If anyone has any ideas how to get sick leave people back to work and keep them on the active roll, please send me help soon!

-- Maria (, March 23, 2001


Sick leave taken by staff is a symtom of other problems usually related to morale, working conditions or happy, happy working relationships.

One quick way is to tell your people that this is a problem and could lead to the closure of the plant and that you would like there help to identify the reasons for so much absenteeim.

Based on your answers get a team of them together to discuss the main issues and try and get them to take ownership of problem and recommend solutions.

-- Bob Liubinskas (, March 28, 2001.

Calculate how much sick leave is costing you! Say, $1,000,000 per quarter. Offer a bonus pool of restaurant gift certificates, ball game tickets, vacations, local hotel stays, money...which amounts to 25% of the total (say $250,000)to be shared by employees, if sick leave is eliminated! (You will find that Your workforce will start policing themselves) not only have You saved $750,000 but the actual benefit is immeasurable in innovation, productivity, harmony, retention, and recruitment.

-- Edward Bryant (, March 28, 2001.

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