I want some information about 1906 earthquake in San Francico

greenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

I want some information about 1906 earthquake in San Francico.

-- Ashkan Morim (ash83plus@usa.net), March 16, 2001


You will find photos and information at my web site, America Hurrah. http://americahurrah.com/USGS/Intro.htm

-- Bill Roddy (bill@americahurrah.com), March 26, 2001.

is there any coopers who died or got hurt in the earthquake

-- gene franklin cooper (youreverydayboi@aol.com), December 05, 2002.

Did you know that the damage money was over 400 million dollars (in 1906 money) that would be over 400 billion dollars now a days

-- Chloe Lanie (spoiledbrat1234@hotmail.com), December 09, 2002.

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