February Minutes

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Ness Creek BOD Meeting - February 25th, 2001

Present: Jayson Watier, Brenda Rees, Mark Gimby, Barry Kirik, Michael Hanna, Glen Hegland, Kathi Epp, Michelle Lane (guest), Adele Boychuk (guest)

Regrets: Kerri Fischer, Brenda Goldsworthy, Oriol Dancer, Sharon McMahon, Matt McMahon, Gord Olson

1. Approve Minutes of Jan 28/01 BOB Meeting. Notes to #3, Insurance costs; our insurance would cover this event at no extra costs. Barry/Brenda. Carried.

2. Adopt Agenda (add Youth Proposal, Crooked Creek Proposal). Brenda/Mark. Carried.

3. Youth Committee Proposal. March 16th at the Bassment, Ness Creek Youth Open Stage. Move to accept proposal (attached). Kathi/Brenda. Carried.

4. Office Move. Move to recognize the decision for moving office. Barry/Jayson. Carried. Notice given effective March 01/01. No budget for copier, furniture, etc.. Donations to be screened through Jen.

5. Approve final budget 2001. Move to accept Final Budget for 2001 (attached). Jayson/Mark. Carried. Move to use existing Proposed 2002 Budget as a guideline. Kathi/Barry. Carried.

6. Recruit Members for Logistics Committee. Existing: Pam, Barry, Gord, Jayson, Glen, Wade Watier. To be discussed further at May retreat.

7. Strike Ad Hoc Committee to review existing policies and develop proposed policies and guidelines for Board consideration. Defer to March. Volunteers: Michael, Kathi, Barry, Mark. To bring policy proposals to BOD Meeting in April.

8. Develop policy regarding drums. Move that the Site Committee be authorized to designate area for percussion instruments. Michael/Kathi. Carried. Information from Oriol and Jen to be forwarded to Site Committee (#7). Defer further discussion until our policy and other festival’s policies have been reviewed.

9. Review relationship with Prairie Sculptors Association re: Children’s area. Are they to participate? Defer until we know what the hell it is.

10. Planning Document Review. Have Jen hassle Coordinators to have Job Description Timelines to the Office for March Meeting.

11. May Festival Planning Workshop & Board Meeting. Suggested 1st or 2nd weekend of May. Purpose: to coordinate festival and Board Meeting. Participants: Board Members and all coordinators.

12. First Aid. Possible donor for first aid supplies. 12:00pm Thursday to 6:00pm Sunday, First Responders (Big River) $1,000.00. Move that the BOD authorize 24 hour First Aid expenditure ($1,000). Mark/Brenda. Carried.

13. Other.

St. Patrick’s Day Cross Country Ski Rally. Snow Carving, Sleigh Rides, etc.. March 17th at Ness Creek, contact Kim Ennis, 469-5658.

Spring Fling. April 13th at the Elk’s Hall (9pm), Crooked Creek. Would like to use Ness Creek for liquor licence in exchange for 1/2 bar after Booze and pop expenses. Door money goes to CC Album. Move that ness Creek Sponsor Spring Fling dance. Barr/Mark. Carried.

14. Set new Meeting. March 25th.

Move to adjourn. Brenda/Jayson. Carried.

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2001

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