Poll results in: Sunday night parties in VPgreenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Poll results are in from the communityzero.com Exile Community site -- overwhelmingly people voted for SUNDAY NIGHTS for regular parties in Excite VP.If we start at 10pm ET, this would mean we could keep partying till the cows come home in New Zealand. :-)
(For those in GMT, this means 3am (sorry!); in Sidney, Australia, 6pm Monday night; and in Aukland, New Zealand, 8pm Monday night)
Let me know if we should shift the times!
-- editrix (editrix@windhaven.com), March 06, 2001
Alas, I ended up having to leave around 9:45pm ET because I had someone show up who was helping with a product review for BYTE. I apologize for leaving so early -- when I was there, Madeye was on (hi, mad!) and some of his friends.Next Sunday? I'll try to be there throughout the evening, to anchor the room, so to speak.
-- editrix (editrix@windhaven.com), March 13, 2001.
well i showed up around mn ESt and the room was empty :(
-- heyhey (heyhey4@bellsouth.net), March 12, 2001.
I was here! Monday night NZ time...ahh well... guess I missed the party :-(
-- Caesaria (othello@paradise.net.nz), March 12, 2001.