ATTENTION, "AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN" : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread


What did the IRS tell you?

Your time is up. Either answer the question or wear the rightfully earned title of "liar."

Have a nice day.

-- Already Done Happened (, March 01, 2001



-- cpr must be at it again (give@it.up), March 02, 2001.

The silence from Ain't is deafening.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 02, 2001.

Didn't know you needed permission from me to send a request to Darrell Scott to fill out a 990 form for you.

Just what is your point here? Send your request and let's see what happens in 30 days.

Short of that, have a nice day.

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 02, 2001.

The silence from Ain't is deafening.

Believe it or not Ape, every once in a while I do have other things to do besides post messages here.

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 02, 2001.

"Didn't know you needed permission from me to send a request to Darrell Scott to fill out a 990 form for you."

Nobody needs that, liar. If Darrell Scott really is running a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, then his Form 990 is ALREADY FILLED OUT. We simply want a copy of it, which he is legally obliged to give us under Federal law. Failure to do so could result in all sorts of penalties, the worst of which could be suspension of his 501 (c)(3) status and criminal Federal charges.

In any event, all we need from YOUR lying ass is to know what the IRS told you, and a few other little related things. Remember this?

>>>YOU put up, Ain't. I am tired of doing your work for you. I give you until next Thursday night to respond with the IRS' answer to your call. I shall require the name and phone number of the agent you speak to, as well as a specific citation regarding PRECISELY WHERE Mr. Scott's organization is listed in the applicable publication (assuming it is even in there at all). I plan to check out your claim, whatever it is, so get EVIDENCE to support your claim, Ain't. Otherwise, do not expect that your claim will be believed or accepted.

>>>If you do not do so, then I shall give Mr. Scott until Monday, March 5, to COMPLY WITH THE LAW and get a copy of his Form 990 to me. if he does not, then I shall most assuredly file an FOIA action. And I invite you to contact him and tell him what I'm going to do. See if that shakes the tree any. I'll contact him, too.


>>>Yeah, I bet you want "NEXT." You're scared to death that I'm going to get legal proof that you and this Scott person are in the wrong. You couldn't STAND that, could you?

>>>-- Already Done Happened (, February 23, 2001.

You LIED, Ain't. You LIED about calling the IRS, and you may have LIED about Darrell Scott. Scott himself may have LIED to you. He has continued to ignore my requests, and it looks like I'm going to have to go FOIA on him.

Tell me, Ain't -- if Mr. Scott is truly as "squeaky-clean" as you claimed earlier, why won't he obey the law? What's he afraid of? Maybe he's not as clean as you'd like to think, liar.

"Just what is your point here?"

The point is that YOU are a LIAR and Mr. Scott is possibly either a liar or hiding something. Clearer?

"Send your request and let's see what happens in 30 days."

I suspect he will continue to ignore my lawful requests, and I'll have to ask the Feds to get all up in his business. That could screw up his ministry real good.

"Short of that, have a nice day."

Will do, lying dirtbag.

-- Already Done Happened (, March 02, 2001.

Calm down FutureShock!

>If you do not do so, then I shall give Mr. Scott until Monday, March 5, to COMPLY WITH THE LAW and get a copy of his Form 990 to me. if he does not, then I shall most assuredly file an FOIA action. And I invite you to contact him and tell him what I'm going to do. See if that shakes the tree any. I'll contact him, too.



The Form 990 will provide the final proof. I intend to send a written request via registered letter. If I don't get that 990 within the 30 day time limit, I will complain to the IRS. I hope Already and anyone else concerened about this, will do the same.

Hurray! GO FOR IT!

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, February 23, 2001.

Does the constant roar from your mouth quite the voices in your head or WHAT???


-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 02, 2001.

"Calm down FutureShock!"

I am not FutureShock, though you might like for me to be.

"LIKE I SAID BEFORE: The Form 990 will provide the final proof. I intend to send a written request via registered letter. If I don't get that 990 within the 30 day time limit, I will complain to the IRS. I hope Already and anyone else concerened about this, will do the same."


"Funny, when I called them they told me it is normal proceedure to answer these type of questions on a call back basis by an IRS representitive. IN THREE BUSINESS DAYS!"

"Well I personally have absolutly NO idea what a form 990 is; if it is; who it's for, or whether anyone can get what you are asking for because of an entities 501(c)(3) status."

"I have called the IRS and they say someone will respond to my question within three business days. Until then, you will forgive me if I don't take your word as 'gospel' until I hear back from the IRS first hand."

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, February 23, 2001.

"Does the constant roar from your mouth quite the voices in your head or WHAT???"

I know how it must trouble you that an intelligent and articulate debater has your worthless, lying ass dead to rights.

You lied, Ain't. You never contacted the IRS. You made up the "three business days" claim. You are furiously backpedaling and dodging. You are desperately trying to refocus the discussion onto Mr. Scott so that your lies and motives don't get discussed.

Mr. Scott may be lying, and I will get to the bottom of that. You were DEFINITELY lying, and I am well on my way to the bottom of that.

-- Already Done Happened (, March 02, 2001.


"Funny, when I called them they told me it is normal proceedure to answer these type of questions on a call back basis by an IRS representitive. IN THREE BUSINESS DAYS!"

"Well I personally have absolutly NO idea what a form 990 is; if it is; who it's for, or whether anyone can get what you are asking for because of an entities 501(c)(3) status."

"I have called the IRS and they say someone will respond to my question within three business days. Until then, you will forgive me if I don't take your word as 'gospel' until I hear back from the IRS first hand."

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, February 23, 2001.

Where is there a lie here? Just because I didn't respond as to what they said WHEN they said it? Get real! I never said ANYWHERE I will post the results here as soon as I hear back from them. I told you and others to GO FOR IT!

Stop your incessant whining about stupid crap and do what you said you would do if you haven't done so already! SEND THE DAMN REQUEST TO DARRELL SCOTT!

You got 30 days from Feb 23 which is roughly March 26 to post the results.

Ta Ta! Cherrio and all that rut! See you in 24 days!

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 02, 2001.

well well, oh my.

Aint, looks like you have Mr. Scott in perhaps, some serious IRS trouble.

Geez I hope you are happy bout that.

And yes AINT, YOU started it.

I dont want to see this go down, but right is right, you did mr. scott no help, you MAY have exposed him to some serious shit, that is sad.

Why, cuz there are people like me who would like to believe someone would never use their dead child for profit. I was raised to believe those professing to be christians. Call me naive.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), March 02, 2001.

"Where is there a lie here?"

There are MULTIPLE lies there. Here they are.

1) You did not contact the IRS as you claim.

2) The IRS can -- and WILL -- answer the question (is such-and-such a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization) IMMEDIATELY over the phone. It does not take three days for a response, as you claimed.

3) You did not receive a phone response (which you said you would wait for as your own test of my veracity) from the IRS because you never called them.

"Just because I didn't respond as to what they said WHEN they said it?"

You can't tell us what the IRS' response was because you NEVER contacted them, liar.

"Get real! I never said ANYWHERE I will post the results here as soon as I hear back from them."

You didn't say it because you didn't call them at all. You KNEW you were LYING, and you are DODGING now to try to evade it. You are every bit as bad as Bill Clinton. I told you that if you did not post the answer, along with the name and phone number of the individual you spoke to, that your claim would be rejected, and that you'd be rightfully called a liar.

I am as good as my word. You are not.

"I told you and others to GO FOR IT!"

You FAIL to defend, support and prove your statements, while demanding that others do so. That is not how it works, dirtbag. You make a claim, then you get to support it. You CLAIMED to have called the IRS, but you did not do so. You CLAIMED that the IRS would call you back in three days, but you did not prove it. You have been spouting irrelevancies and bullshit to cover up your own lies, even as you defended Mr. Scott, who may be lying also.

"Stop your incessant whining about stupid crap"

I'm not whining. You are. You are whining about being caught in lies. You are whining that people aren't taking your claims about Mr. Scott as gospel truth, and are instead going to the source for their proof. Well, Ain't, people don't trust liars. And you sure are whining, liar.

"and do what you said you would do if you haven't done so already! SEND THE DAMN REQUEST TO DARRELL SCOTT!"

I did so LAST WEEK, idiot. That's the thread I started, numbnuts. I sent Mr. Scott a request LAST WEEK (and several follow-ups), and he has not complied with any of them. I am as good as my word. You are not.

"You got 30 days from Feb 23 which is roughly March 26 to post the results."

Again you are incorrect. If Mr. Scott fails to respond, there will be no results to post. Can a human being really be as stupid as you appear to be and still be capable of breathing and walking?

"Ta Ta! Cherrio and all that rut! See you in 24 days!"

You'll be seeing me about every day from now on, liar.

-- Already Done Happened (, March 02, 2001.

Passing the 'fan' to ALREADY....

here, calm down be4 you have a damn stroke already :-)

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), March 02, 2001.

It's just amazing to me how this person can have such a gigantic double standard regarding truth and proof. Obviously "truth" comes from Ain't-approved people only, and "proof" is only required when Ain't doesn't believe something. Things he believes obviously require no proof. Unbelievable.

-- Already Done Happened (, March 02, 2001.

here, calm down be4 you have a damn stroke already :-)

No kidding...what a nut!

-- Man Attacks Moviegoers Watching (, March 02, 2001.

You'll be seeing me about every day from now on

Oh goody. We can't wait!

-- Man Attacks Moviegoers Watching (, March 02, 2001.

I can see that I'll have to explain things for the slower posters on the board.

"No kidding...what a nut!"

Ah, but there WAS kidding. See, that's why the smiley was there. Guess you missed that part.

>>>You'll be seeing me about every day from now on

"Oh goody. We can't wait!"

Translation "I (who is really Ain't with a different name) am really upset. I am going to try reverse psychology on you, because I saw it on McGyver once, and I think it might work. I really don't want you to post at all, because you are kicking my sorry ass. This is all I can think of to do."

Everyone on the same sheet of music? Thought so.

Oh, by the way, Ain't, canibal is actually spelled "cannibal." I THOUGHT that was your barely literate self hiding behind a new name there. ;)

-- Already Done Happened (, March 02, 2001.

I thought those endless essays on "Why I Was So Wrong About Y2K" were boring. Already Done Happened - You take the cake. Write us if you find a job, a life, or anything else.

-- bored (bored@silly.yawn), March 03, 2001.

I followed the other thwo threads with some interest, and now I have read this thread.

Any resonable person familiar with writings of the 'Aint' character and the threads in question must conclude that the 'Aint' character is a hypocrit, a liar, and a fool. Those who support him must be his own pseudonyms, for surely no one else would defend such a pitiful, spiteful individual. Indeed, it would be charitable to describe 'Aint' as a miserable miscreant - one more familiar with dog caca than the search for truth, justice, and the American way. Perhaps he will now slime back into the dank sewer from whence he came.

-- FedUp (AsGood@sAnyone.Elses), March 03, 2001.

But why do you people get so exercised? Yeah, Ain't is an avid cheerleader, who tries to make up with enthusiasm what he lacks in discernment. He lives in a wonderfully simple binary world where only labels have meaning, where what lies behind them is assumed to be comfortably one-dimensional, where the good guys have no flaws and the bad guys have nothing of value, and where you can tell the difference entirely by the color of their hats and horses.

But no place on the political spectrum has any shortage of simpletons, they are ubiquitous. Just try not to emulate them.

-- Flint (, March 03, 2001.

The simpleton is here.

What in the hell are you people talking about? Can you direct me to a thread so I can comprehend what started all this? Who is this Scott? Why do you need to know about his 503(c)3 status? Do I really want to know?

-- Jack Booted Thug (, March 03, 2001.

"Already Done Happened - You take the cake. Write us if you find a job, a life, or anything else."

Ain't Gonna Happen -- I could have taken the cake, but you had already stolen it by the time all the other guests appeared. You are a lying, dishonorable and untrustworthy sack of shit. Just like Bill Clinton. If you actually decide to evolve into a human being, be sure to let us all know. Otherwise, I am going to stay on your ignorant ass like white on rice. Dig it?

Hey, Thug -- here you go. Hopefully these will clear things up a bit.

Ask if you want more background.

-- Already Done Happened (, March 04, 2001.

The whole situation has caused me to lose faith in what I had been taught my ENTIRE life.

Again, thanks aint.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), March 04, 2001.

You wanna rephrase that, sumer? :)

-- Already Done Happened (, March 04, 2001.

um, oh i'm soooo confuesed!

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), March 04, 2001.

Already Done Happened = cpr. Get ready for another meltdown folks. He has to be right.

-- get a life (or@something.else), March 04, 2001.

"Already Done Happened = cpr."

Nope. I've got Chuckie's e-mail address, though. You want I should bring him in on this thread?

"Get ready for another meltdown folks."

That's right, Ain't. From YOU. Because you can't stand being proven wrong, and because you're too much of a lazy dirtbag to even go through the motions of trying to prove your own points. Take off the sock puppets, Ain't. You're not fooling anyone.

"He has to be right."

No, I don't. Unfortunately for you, though, I am exerting effort to prove my points, and they're all falling into place. You, however, appear to think you're right simply because you have stated something. Come on, Ain't. Put out some effort. You're giving me WAY too much fun going on like you are. :)

-- Already Done Happened (, March 04, 2001.

I ain't ain't and I ain't goin' away. I am here to stoke the fires of your obsession and compulsion until you get so sick of it you finally purge yourself of it and one day will hopefully be able to live a normal life.

-- I ain't ain't (I@ain't.ain't), March 05, 2001.

I see tht you have already given up Already Done Happened. May you have a speedy and full recovery, it looks like my mission is complet.

-- the succesful one (many@fake.handles), March 05, 2001.

yeah but you spelling isnt....Lol

-- dominator (dominate@one.only), March 05, 2001.

Still here, not leaving.

Come on, Ain't -- put a little effort into it. Sock puppets don't count as "effort."

-- Already Done Happened (, March 05, 2001.

The rehabilitation process continues. Perhaps shock treatment is in order?

-- I ain't ain't (you@ain't.either), March 06, 2001.

Just out of curiousity, how does flaming someone equate to rehabilitation?

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 06, 2001.

What have you dont to help the poor and needy Tarzan?

-- last word (last@word.orgg), March 07, 2001.

I can't speak for Tarzan, but I bet he hasn't cheated the taxpayers of this country by collecting $400,000-plus of tax-free swag a year by trading on the name of a dead child.

How 'bout you?

-- Already Done Happened (, March 07, 2001.

Already Done Happened, are you having delusions again. We will now commence in giving you 300cc's of Lithium.

-- The Proffesional (get@job.done), March 08, 2001.

Ho hum. Sock puppets galore.

Ain't, I am not going away. Get used to it. I am going to get a copy of the Form 990 from Mr. Scott, or I am going to force him to do so through legal means.

And then we can talk about how much money he's really making off his dead child. Until then, all we have are educated guesses. My guess is over $400,000 a year.

In any event, your claim that Mr. Scott is 'truly one of the squeaky- clean good guys' (or words to that effect) has been quite effectively debunked. If you hadn't been such a contentious ass, the discussion might have ended there.

Now I'm going to collect some serious information and demolish your claim utterly. And if Mr. Scott turns out to be a tax evader, well, so much the better. The IRS can deal with him then.

-- Already Done Happened (, March 08, 2001.

What have you dont to help the poor and needy Tarzan?

What a strange, non-sequitor question.

I had drafted a serious reply, since I do quite a bit of volunteer work. However, I can't answer this question better than Already Done Happened. Any day I don't line my pockets from a tragedy and call it charity is a day I do something for the poor and needy.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 08, 2001.

I ain't ain't and I ain't going away. We will now commence medication. First voluntary, then compulsorary if you cannot cooperate.

Tarzan I'm glad your charitable. Many of us are.

-- The Professional (changin'@my.addy), March 08, 2001.

To: ‘Already Done Happened’

From the perspective of a wise and worldly mind, I would like to offer some sound advice. If you have a job, I suggest you channel some of your free time into giving your employer a fair days work. You spend a phenomenal amount of time leaving your ‘brain farts’ all over this forum and it begs the question: ‘When do you work?’

I’ve been informed that the person known as ‘Tarzan’ is in fact disabled from a debilitating disease and has plenty of time on his hands. If you are in the same position, please disregard my suggestions and except my wishes for improved health. If not, get off your dead ass and go to work!

-- So (, March 08, 2001.

Tarzan, if this is true then I wish you a full and speedy recovery.

Already Done Happened, I am doubling your dosage of lithium.

-- The Professional (there@is.hope), March 09, 2001.

Actually, I was pretty sick for awhile, but I'm better now. I work for one of those employers who figure that if I spend 70+ hours a week at work, some good-off time on the web is in order. My employer doesn't even bother to measure time spent on the Internet so long as my work gets done, which it does, consistantly and thoroughly.

Your concern is noted however.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, March 09, 2001.

I am glad you are feeling better Tarzan. As for Already Done Happened the medication appears to be working. We will maintain the current dosage and see if it sticks.

-- The Professional (protect@and.serve), March 10, 2001.

Mr./Ms. Unprofessional -- the dosage does not work, because I refuse to take it. I am here, and am staying. Deal with it.

As far as Socrates goes, I think you are supposed to be dead, sir. If you will lie quietly and decompose, I will consider washing my dishes. But that's all the work I plan to do this week.

-- Already Done Happened (, March 11, 2001.

Unprosfessional - ha, that is kinda funny. The kind gentlemen in the white suits will soon give you a cup of purple Kool-aid. Make sure you drink all of it.

Have a nice day.

-- The Professional (job@never.done), March 11, 2001.

Actually ADH, for over 2450 years I have been dispensing my knowledge and look forward to a few more. So please relax: the dishes are safe.

-- So (, March 11, 2001.

Socrates, I guess you chose banishment from Athens after all. Do you still doubt the existance of the gods? And are you still interested in little boys?

-- Plato (, March 12, 2001.

This is actually the befuddled "So - Krates" Socrates that Bill and Ted brought back from the past in their phone-booth time machine. His most profound revelation: "Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives!"

-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), March 12, 2001.

I have to have the last word

-- Last word (is@last.word), March 16, 2001.

“Party on Dudes!”

-- So (, March 16, 2001.


-- Already Done Happened (, March 23, 2001.

I scanned this thread briefly and did not see a resolution. Was it resolved and I missed it? The right wing wackos got involved and propounded massive thread drift and tiresome spam. Was it resolved on another thread?

Is Aint a liar, or not? I do not mean to be kicking another ant hill, but I followed this thread (and several of its 'Darrell Scott' parents) months ago and honestly cannot remember. Is Scott a liar, too?

-- A (, October 28, 2001.

"I scanned this thread briefly and did not see a resolution. Was it resolved and I missed it?"

No. This matter was never resolved. The matter was turned over to the IRS by myself and at least one other poster. Nothing has come of it yet, and it could be quite some time before anything does. My understanding is that the IRS isn't very assiduous or energetic in running down allegedly scam-ridden "charities." In any event, no one has been able to produce ANY evidence whatsoever that Mr. Scott is running a legal 501(c)(3) tax-free charity.

We do have Mr. Scott's claim, and we do have Ain't's claim, but the IRS itself, contacted by at least two posters (Ain't claims he did, but he's lying), says that they have no records supporting Mr. Scott's claim.

And Mr. Scott's refusal to present a Form 990 -- which he is legally obligated to do when asked -- appears to be indicative of some possible malfeasance on his part.

"The right wing wackos got involved and propounded massive thread drift and tiresome spam. Was it resolved on another thread?"

It was not. But thanks for asking.

"Is Aint a liar, or not?"

Ain't is definitely a liar and a knave. If he was on fire, I would not piss on him to put him out.

"I do not mean to be kicking another ant hill, but I followed this thread (and several of its 'Darrell Scott' parents) months ago and honestly cannot remember."

Matters were not resolved.

"Is Scott a liar, too?"

It appears possible (even likely), but we simply don't know for certain. The wheels of the IRS grind exceedingly slowly, you know.

-- Already Done Happened (, October 28, 2001.


-- oldlie (oh@so.tired), October 28, 2001.

The question was asked. I answered. Too bad for you if you don't like it, "oldlie."

BTW, folks, have a look in this week's issue of TIME for some interesting information on how to do your own investigation of charities before sending in your check.

-- Already Done Happened (, November 03, 2001.

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