Food for thought (transcript of interesting cartoon) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Just got one of my other treasured mags in the other day - Utne Reader - and on the last page is a full page cartoon that I thought some of you might enjoy mulling over.

The graphics are very basic - two birds facing each other on a grassy hill, blue sky in the background.

The gist of the cartoon is as follows: the bird on the left begins by asking the bird on the right "Do you get the New York Times around here?" To which the other bird replies "I'm not sure." The first bird asks about a bunch of other newspapers, getting similar responses. He then asks "How many channels do you get on your tv?" Reply "Changles on my what?" this continues, with the first bird inquiring about the availability of various media outlets such as "...Hard Rockin' KZXR, where they play all the nonstop hits?" Reply "Nonstah pitts?"

More (somewhat more desperate) inqueries from the first bird. The second bird is plainly confused. A frame shows the two of them looking at each other with confusion. The second bird says "I...I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about."

The first bird finally asks "Well what do you read, then? Where do you get your news, your culture? I mean, what the hell do they use to line the bottom of your cages?" The two birds stare at each other for a mute frame.

Finally, the second bird replies "Cages?"

-- Soni (, February 24, 2001


Makes me think "hmmmm".I really like Utne Reader.I have read it for years now.

-- nobrabbit (, February 25, 2001.

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