Mr. "I feel your pain" golfs again at all WHITE ONLY Club! ...AND U CRYBABY LIBERALS KEEP TRYIN 2 PAINT BUSH/ASHCROFT AS RACIST'S. GIMMEE A BREAK!!!!! : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
EX-President Bill Clinton spent Wednesday afternoon playing golf at a country club accused of discriminating against blacks and Jews.
Jake Siewert, Clinton's rep, confirmed it was the second time Clinton has played at the Indian Creek Country Club about 20 miles north of Miami. He first played there a year and a half ago. Siewert said, "All venues are fully vetted," and dismissed allegations of racism and anti-Semitism as "not true."
But in next month's Talk magazine, Leah Nathans Spiro reports that the club - in one of Florida's most exclusive and wealthy enclaves - is rife with discrimination. And contrary to Siewert's claim, the restrictive membership policies have been reported on PAGE SIX and elsewhere.
Indian Creek Village mayor Len Miller, a Jew, said, "It's an embarrassment. I have this kind of home, in this kind of setting, but I have to tell people, 'I am not welcome at that club.'"
"There's no question about it, the club has anti-Semitic policies in place to keep out Jews," said Earl Barber, who was on the club's board for 14 years, and a member for 22. Barber, along with Alvah Chapman, a former chairman of Knight Ridder, and M. Anthony Burns, a trucking magnate, resigned their club memberships because of its "membership policies."
To add insult to injury, 14 of the island's 34 homes are owned by Jews, and although they are denied access to the club, a portion of the residents' property tax is used for the club's upkeep. Carl Icahn is the island's only Jewish resident who is also a member.
In the early '90s, the club had no African-American or Jewish members, sparking a complaint by 17 members. Even after that, only five Jewish members were allowed in over a period of five years, and there are still no blacks.
Miller notes that he refused to meet Clinton during his 1999 visit to Indian Creek because the president was playing at the anti-Semitic club. The snub even made the local news.
When Jeb Bush was slated to pay a visit to the club, Miller informed the Florida governor of the restrictive policies, and Bush cancelled.
Timothy J. May, the head of Indian Creek Country Club's legal committee, refused to speak on an official basis, but noted as an individual member, "Every club I belong to has bigots in it; hopefully they don't run the club . . . We won't let people into the club merely because they buy a home on the island." May added that if they did let every island resident join, "the next thing you know we'll have a drug dealer in the club."
BILL Clinton gets a prominent mention in the fascinating new book "Don't Let Death Ruin Your Life." Author Jill Brooke, a former Post reporter who now edits Avenue magazine, discovered that those who lose a parent early in life are three times as likely to achieve greatness as those whose childhoods were unmarked by tragedy. But while those who experienced an early loss include heroes - like Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and FDR- they also include villains, like Caligula, Hitler, Stalin, and former Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic. Brooke originally had Clinton in the first group, "but now his image is more tarnished and his place in history more uncertain."
THAT David Rabin, the Lotus co-owner who presides over the New York Nightlife Assn., has persuaded 30 clubs to donate part of this weekend's profits to New York Cares, and IMG Models is providing some pulchritude for the Have a Heart campaign. The mannequins will work the doors, making the wait outside more scenic . . . THAT Ruth Westheimer will host Valentine's Day at Serendipity 3 when Lauren and David Blair of Nashville, Tenn., get married for the 59th time for the Guinness Book of World Records.
ELIZABETH Schiel doesn't sit home pining for her estranged husband, handsome hairdresser Frederic Fekkai. While Fekkai is putting a smile on the face of Band-Aid heiress Libet Johnson, Schiel is getting back in the social swim. The stunning brunette was at the Park Avenue apartment of Laura Steinberg on Wednesday night at the party for Lloyd Klein, the French fashion designer (unrelated to Calvin) who has his first New York show next Friday. Among the other beauties on hand were Nina Junot, Ariana von Hohenlohe, Silvia Martins, Madeline Paulson, the glamorous British widow of the Gulfstream Jet founder, and Kathy and Ricky Hilton, whose daughters Paris and Nicky will be catwalking in Klein's show.
FORGET his trouble with CBS (Page 3) - lead-footed David Letterman was busted again for speeding Wednesday night. This time, the "Late Show" host was pulled over by New York State Trooper William McClellan for doing 80 mph in a 55 mph zone on Route 684 near the Connecticut border. During a taping of his show yesterday afternoon, Letterman said McClellan pulled him over and asked him, "Do you know what you were doing wrong?" - to which Dave replied, "Yes, I was speeding." Letterman described the trooper as "a nice guy," and offered as his excuse that "I had fallen asleep with my foot wedged on the accelerator." Letterman has a history of hot-footing it on the highway between his New York studio and his Connecticut home, and has made a running gag of his frequent speeding tickets. He was last stopped in 1998 for going 38 mph in a 25 mph zone in Darby, Mont. "There was a time in my past I had trouble with the law," Letterman riffed to bandleader Paul Shaffer during yesterday's taping. "I have no points on my license at the moment," he said. Then he pointed to his recently operated-upon heart and quipped, "This thing is hooked up to a speedometer."
ROBERT Morgenthau, at age 81, isn't a big hip hop fan. But Source magazine says his indictments of Tupac Shakur, Naughty by Nature, and Ghostface Killah show that Morgy deserves to be called "the playa-hatin' prosecutor," as the Village Voice dubbed him. The Rev. Al Sharpton told Source: "The question I ponder is whether Sean Combs will be able to receive a fair and impartial trial in New York City because the system is very much against him. And Robert Morgenthau has made it clear that he wants Puff to go down."
NO one likes bawdy jokes more than Camille Paglia, "but I find it very ironic that we are seeing the hoggish underbelly of the publicly liberal Bill Clinton who pretends to be such a supporter of women's rights but unbuttoned among his jock good ol' boy golfing partners, he is obviously sexist." We called Paglia, who loves women almost as much as Clinton does, for her reaction to the lesbian joke-swapping Clinton enjoyed with former Senator Bob Kerrey over dinner at Babbo. "All the Clinton apologists are going to start to see the seamier side of Bill Clinton. I predict a raunch-fest . . . particularly if he does get his penthouse pied-a-terre."
IS there a future tennis ace on the way? German media are reporting that Steffi Graf, 31, is two months pregnant and planning to marry her paramour, Andre Agassi, in May. Graf has been dating Brooke Shields' ex-husband for a year and is sporting a diamond ring on her left hand. A rep for Graf didn't return calls, and Agassi's rep helpfully said, "We don't comment on rumors."
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, February 09, 2001
Aint,Do you have any other purpose in life other than to find insignificant stories in Drudge Report and Weekly World News that attempt to ridicule the most popular ex-president of all time?
-- Just wondering.... (@ .), February 09, 2001.
Too bad this. I bet them killers OJ is looking for are right there, bad break.
-- (, February 09, 2001.
When Jeb Bush was slated to pay a visit to the club, Miller informed the Florida governor of the restrictive policies, and Bush cancelled.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, February 09, 2001.
Yep, it's Dumbya's turn to suck up to da brothers. That's why he was down there at the black church singin gospel songs and shakin his booty even though he felt lucky to get out of there alive. Bill's laughin his ass off now!
-- hee hee heee (ha haa haa @ hee hee. haa haa!), February 10, 2001.
"Ain't", are you a MOONIE?
-- (, February 10, 2001.
When Jeb Bush was slated to pay a visit to the club, Miller informed the Florida governor of the restrictive policies, and Bush cancelled. So the Governer of the state didn't know it was rasist and had to be warned. And it is just not in the realm of possibilities that Clinton was not aware of this either? Or perhaps he was invited so that wehn he did go he would have morons screaming all over the place about him going to a rasist golf course. But then Bill Clinton should know the policies of every estblishment he enters, right? But Bush baby didn't need to know that social security is a federal program. Geeze-who is the the ignorant one? Did the invitation Clinton was sent written with a notice of their membership policies? This is reaching pretty deep when looking to compare Bush, Ashcroft to Clinton!!. As a matter of fact, it is pathetic, don't you think beyond your bias?
-- Cherri (, February 10, 2001.
And it is just not in the realm of possibilities that Clinton was not aware of this either?Either as in also or either as in EITHER TIME HE WAS THERE?
Since this is his SECOND VISIT!!!
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, February 10, 2001.
Ain't are you a MOONIE?
-- (, February 10, 2001.
No Doc....I'm not your mommie!
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, February 10, 2001.
Doc, it seems we had a discussion about Moonies before. You were accused Joseph Olasky of being a Moonie, when I proved to you he was not, you didn't apologize although you stopped making these accusations. I guess you didn't learn. Are you a Moonie, Doc?
-- Dr. Pibb (, February 11, 2001.
Forgive him, Doc has a "thing" for Moonies.
-- Uncle Deedah (, February 11, 2001.
Well it is MARVIN Olasky, not "Joseph" Olasky. You Pibb made a similar mistake I had. Maybe you need to get your facts straight before you point your finger again?Upon researching Marvin Olasky I discovered the magazine he is editor of called World. Mistake I made back when, and DID apologize at length then, dealt with two factors really. One, the Moonie mag is called"World and I", Olasky's simply "World". Other mistake was in confusion based on the players and their very similar dogmas and agendas.
Now would you care to comment on the topic at hand, or attack me further?
-- (, February 11, 2001.
Either time! Who would expect to find a segrigated golf course in this day and age? Do you check the background of every place you go before going there to see if they have socially acceptable policies to you? And if it was such common knowledge, why did Jeb Bush, Governer of the damn state it is in, have to be warned about it? Because it was not publicly broadcasted.Hey, I'll bet you are wearing clothes made by 12 year old children in a third world country. SHAME ON YOU! You should have checked the background before you bought them. *rolling eyes* That makes as much sense as blaming B Clinton for golfing at that golfclub. Damn, this "spin" is getting moronic. They should keep it up, people are starting to notice and there will be a backlash *grin*.
-- Cherri (, February 11, 2001.