Why are we giving our freedom away?

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Last week, I talked with my brother-in-law. I hadn't seen him in a couple of years. He brought up the subject of gun control. He now believes all guns should be taken up, because America isn't safe anymore. What are people thinking? Please, someone help me understand.

Before we homeschooled, we took our family on vacation. We told our childs K-5 teacher, where we were going and how long we'd be gone. She had missed 1 day besides the vacation(which was much more educational than if she had been in class). Social services(truancy division), called us because she had missed 6 days. We were supposed to write a letter to the principal. If he deemed our trip educational, then her abscences would be excused. As parents, we were supposed to ask permission to take our child on vacation.

A friend didn't want one of her children to receive certain vaccinations. She was told she was breaking the law. One of my children had a bad reaction to the whooping cough vaccine. I didn't want him to receive another dose. The doctor said he needed it anyway. I changed doctors.

Some people aren't taking responsibility for their families. I'm not talking about everyone who sends their children to public schools(I realize there are some good schools, just not in my area). It's the ones who are allowing the government to make all the decisions. Where is it going to stop? What can we do to keep our freedom from being eroded any further?

-- Lena(NC) (breezex4@go.com), February 06, 2001


I've been wondering that myself. Just think of the stink that would be raised if somebody tried to take our freedoms away, but too many Americans are just handing them over. I sure haven't been able to figure it out.

I've been saying for the past eight years, it dosen't surprise me that criminals like the klintons and their gang would want to be president and in power, but what has surprised the heck out of me is that there are so many idiots who think they're just wonderful.

I think a lot of it comes from the people in this country who are sheep and can't think for themselves and when they see some liberal movie actor saying we need to give up our guns and vote for people like the klintons, well, they just figure is some movie person is for them that must be the way to go.

-- Joe (jcole@apha.com), February 06, 2001.

Well the politicians have been saying we are sheep for years. I guess some folks are proving them right. One of the problems is government is run by special interests...not the people. We don't have much contact with our representatives any more....if we do contact them we are looked at as some kind of whacko. Besides we are just voters...we don't contribute tons of money to their campaigns. It isn't like it used to be. At one time if the voters started complaining to their representatives they by golly got busy trying to make them happy or they knew their jobs were on the line. It just doesn't seem to work that way now. If we demonstrate to try to change things then we are 'extremists'. There are so many labels connected with down to earth views now that sound so negative. Right wing conservative, extremist, the christian right(kinda sounds like something connected with hitler don't it?), fundamentalists, etc. Human nature dictates that nobody likes labels. It has actually been a sort of brainwashing campaign(no I have no clue who started it). You hear it in the press every day. I also blame our education system. When my grandparents went to school they received a much better education in a one room school house(even with missing 6 weeks during harvest)than our kids do now in state of the art facilities. Public schools spend a great deal of their time prepping kids so they can score well on government tests. Don't know if ya'll have ever taken one of these tests but it has nothing to do with a basic education. I always scored high on them but frankly I picked answers at random half the time because they didn't make sense. It almost seems like our schools are making our kids dumber on purpose! They absolutely do not teach the constitution now a days. Another problem is they have taken God out of the classroom.....and we LET them! There are no morals taught in school now. If you want to rule the world start with the next generation....I'd say they've made a good start. This was even happening when I went to school but not as bad (we were way out in the country). Somehow it has become unpopular to stand up for what you believe....of course we all want to be popular..we're conditioned to it. The problem is now it has progressed so far that short of a revolution there is very little way to stop from going further into deprivation.

There are things that responsible people can do. Homeschool or at least get together with other parents and start your own school...hand pick and hire a teacher. Spend time with your children....they are our hope for the future. So many people pawn their kids off on headstart programs, daycare, after school programs or grandparents that they spend just a couple of their waking hours together....then they wonder what went wrong! Be honest in all your dealings....be an example. Do things that you know are right...help others that truly need help(not bums that won't work). Little things make a difference. Lena I often lament about the same concerns you expressed.....all I know to say is God help us!

-- Amanda in Mo (aseley@townsqr.com), February 06, 2001.

Just visit the mall on the weekends and take a look around at the young people hanging out there. THESE are the future leaders of our country?!?! This is enough to strike terror in the heart of every American. We are in trouble folks! I guess all we can do is raise responsible future citizens in our own homes.

-- Tiffani Cappello (cappello@alltel.net), February 06, 2001.

I think we're giving our freedoms away because we don't fully comprehend what we are losing. It isn't a mistake that it's happening. The loss of our freedoms began a very long time ago and has escalated in the name of safety and supposed security since the Great Depression. I have a sister who now thinks that gun control is a fairly good idea because she lives in Chicago and sees a lot of senseless violence on the evening news.

We grew up with guns everywhere and each of us knew not to even consider touching them unless (!!!!) someone was trying to do violence to one of us in the home. We were taught to shoot the 22 at the age of six and NEVER did anyone consider grabbing a gun because they had an argument with a friend or an enemy. In my recollection no one touched a weapon. If we had I am more than certain that we would have experienced the board of education in full effect. Strictly a defensive tool or for hunting.

I guess the crux of the issue is that there is a division between people who think that laws make life safe and those who know that life just ain't safe and respect for it and eachother is the only way to preserve it.

-- Doreen (animalwaitress@excite.com), February 06, 2001.

Americans are so willing to give up freedom, because they have had it for so long that they don't really know what life is like without it. They don't know the value of what they are losing. Most Americans now value SECURITY over freedom. Americans are beginning to say: "feed me, house me, medicate me, heal me, transport me, entertain me, clothe me, protect me, educate me (brainwash me), employ me, TAKE CARE OF ME....do all these things and I'll give up my freedom."

Those of us who want to take care of our own needs ourselves in our own ways are the minority and will soon be regarded as dangerous to society. Remember Ruby Ridge, WACO, etc. These people were murdered protecting their homes by armed thugs wearing uniforms and badges. I don't agree with the beliefs of the Branch Davidians, but they had a right to live their own way.

Well, I better get off my soap box before I stir up a hornet's nest.

-- Skip Walton (sundaycreek@gnrac.net), February 06, 2001.

I agree whole-heartedly with what everyone else had to say, but want to add one more thing. LAZINESS! We are (in general now!) a LAZY country. And, I also don't think that a lot of people sit down and think about it. We are SO DEPENDANT on the government that it's scary! I mean, one flip of the switch, and most people are without electric, heat, water, etc. A lot of people feel that, if they are doing pretty well financially, that they will let the government go about there business and do whatever else, *as long as* their portfolio and wallet are healthy! As, just as someone else said, if a group gets a bit persistant about it, the government 'hushes' them up quickly. Yes, some of them (the groups) are extreme, but, when it all comes down to it, the majority of them just want to exercise their so called 'freedom' and live accordingly. I don't think Uncle Sam wants 'thinkers'.....they cause too many problems. So, dumb those kids down and make them sheep!

-- Tracey (foralltimes@hotmail.com), February 07, 2001.

You raise some good points. Our society is brainwashed into blindly following rules, and this definitely pertains to school regulations. We used to homeschool and my children are now back in public school (for now). I got around the vaccination issue by drafting a religious exemption. I took my children on vacation by telling the school I was going--I didn't ask permission. They left me alone. Many parents believe kindergarten is mandatory and are unaware that the legal school age in our state is six. so, they send their children to school when they are too young (we have a Dec. 31 cut off for K-- way too young for some children!) because they don't understand the law. Even homeschoolers I know get so bent out of shape with the regulations in New York that they give the schools more information than is required by regulations. People are afraid of authority and don't have the confidence to stand up for their rights.

-- amy (acook@in4web.com), February 07, 2001.

Skip, DON"T get off your soap box!!!

If only 1 or 2 of us are up there we are weirdos. If more of got on the soapboxes maybe even more would see it before it's to late?!?!?

-- Novina in ND (lamb@stellarnet.com), February 07, 2001.

Lena, I just saw on the news the other day, A (just one) doctor has been doing research on the DPT shot. He said he has found evidence, linking it with the increased rate of autisim in children. It seems that when all three vaccinations are given together, which they are, (hence DPT), that's whats causing the problems. My daughter had a terrible reaction to the whooping cough part of the shot. She was handicapped before the shot, but she now also shows strong signs of autism. I only wish I wouldn't have believed the status quo and stood up and absolutely refused the shot. I hope younger mothers are more aware. What's sad is, they don't have to live with the consequences of their actions. We do.

-- Annie (mistletoe@earthlink.net), February 07, 2001.

clarification...The Doctors', don't have to live with their actions.

-- Annie (mistletoe@earthlink.net), February 07, 2001.

Lena you have hit upon a sore spot. Here in America the "government" has slowly intervened into the lives of its citizens. Had they tried to do it all at once The people would have stood up and rebeled.

Guns have been around for well over 100 years. (speaking of 'modern' types) In homes where the adults are knowledgeable about firearms and pass on the learning to the children there is a considerable difference in "accidents" as to homes that don't. In fact according to the research by the "anti-gunners" the REAL problem is that where the accidents take place is 90% in a home where the adult purchased a firearm for protection and Never got any training. So is it a surprise when their child picks it up expecting to see the same results as they see on TV???

AS to the feed me, clothe me, protect me syndrom. Yes it has gotten out of hand. However (playing devils advocate) after talking to several single moms and 4 couples there is a pattern. The Government requires (in NC) that the receipent have no more that a $1000 in resources. They often tell the "down & out" to sell everything they own. Once in the system there is many "traps" to keep the people down. One lady we know can't get a job that would provide equal medical and food for her family. Its a shame that this Country has allowed "evil" to purvade its "so-called" help programs. *YES before anyone says it, I am 100% sure some folks take avantage of the system. But from what I've seen and read the System takes away the will to fight for a good life. And perhaps there-in is the greater evil.

And if we face that truth THAT is what separates US from Them!!!!

-- Kenneth in N.C. (wizardsplace13@hotmail.com), February 07, 2001.

Annie, I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter. Have you contacted veers? I believe that is the name of the hotline that deals with adverse reactions stemming from the vaccines. I called them and they were the ones who told me it "might" be dangerous to give my son another dose. I wonder how all of our children have been affected. Is it something that might not show up until they are older?

This new vaccine, the pneumococcal one, is now the great hope for ear infections. Even our new doctor wants my child to get one. After researching it, I have a few questions. Why is it being targeted toward blacks and american indians? Do they get more ear infecitons or are they using them for guinea pigs? Does it actually cause diabetes in children? I don't think I'll ever get an answer, because everything gets swept under the rug. For the good of our children, Ha thats a big joke.

-- Lena(NC) (breezex4@go.com), February 08, 2001.

"Why are we giving our freedom away?" "Where is it going to stop? What can we do to keep our freedom from being eroded any further?" -- Lena(NC) So we're in a pickle. When freedom leaves, it is replaced by what? (restriction?) Responsibility and privilege see-saw up and down, kind of like supply and demand. When people will not take responsibility for their actions, then their privileges will suffer, because the powers in charge will see to it. The government will step in and dole out welfare, metal detectors and police in school hallways, or whatever provision is suffering due to our lack of responsible lifestyle. Quiz time: #1. Why did the government schools of long ago start cafeteria lunches? Did it have anything to do with parents and responsibility? #2. How about detention halls? When did they start, and what did schools do with problem students before that time? #3. When did the term "repeat offender" become commonplace in our criminal justice system, and looking at that timetable, what can you tell us about the previous prisons and previous system of justice that might have changed? #4. The term "home invasion" has become common in Australia in the past 18 months or so. Armed robberies are up 69% higher, in the land down under. How could responsible people bring that to pass? Iron bars and security system sales are way up in Australia. Did the entire country do something irresponsible immediately prior to that time, to bring that about? Now back to Lena's last question: "...What can we do to keep our freedom from being eroded any further?" #1. "...some liberal movie actor" (don't watch him anymore, and discourage others from it also.) #2. "...campaigns" (let's get the current administration to make changes to campaign-finance laws, and let's do it right away !!! Call and tell your congressman that this should be a priority! 2004 is closer than we think.) #3. "...blame our education system" (let's change it. Explain to your local congressman or woman what it is that you want, outline the results that are substandard or acceptable to you. Tell them to fire the administration, and teachers that will not deliver those results, and get new ones that will.) #4. "…They absolutely do not teach the constitution now a days." (I could say, here, to refer to #3, but I'll go one better. Since the views of the NEA union teacher may not be the same as yours, anyhow, why not just make this a project for parents at home. You don't have to call yourself a homeschooler, or anything. And you could tell your eight or ten year old that the reason this has replaced his nightly Dr. Seuss story for a few nights each year is because it's IMPORTANT.) #5. "...Another problem is they have taken God out of the classroom.....and we LET them!" (Reverse the decision. Write, and then call your government. Tell them you demand change. Tell them this is your United States. Then convince others to write and call them. The NRA held letter writing parties for this past election, and although they didn't win every candidate, there were some success stories, not the least of which is our new president. The pen is mighty. But a problem like this will take a concerted effort from a large segment of the population. It would be a miracle if anyone could get enough godly individuals to write down what they wanted, and agree on what they wanted. You get three church people together, and it seems like you'll get division, usually. … That's why Jesus said: "if two or three of you ever do get together, I'll be there...” (that’s the action dude translation, but it’ll hold water.) #6. "...There are no morals taught in school now." (Go back to #3. Tell them what you want. Then remind them a couple weeks later...etc.) #7. "...I guess all we can do is raise responsible future citizens in our own homes." (Yes, but don't stop with just your young ones. Teach your children's friends about a man's or woman's work ethic. Stay industrious around young people. Even if it's just on saturday...Growing up in the TV generation, I now believe one of the best things my father ever did for me as an example in life, was to wake up EVERY morning and go to work. Up with the sun, and off to go build houses somewhere. Home at dark. DAY AFTER DAY, EVERY DAY. Saturday he’d find something to fix around the house. When I came of age, I was totally clueless about what to do for work, but I knew that I had to wake up and go DO it. Thank you, Dad. Amanda mentioned “…be honest”. That’s appropriate, as well. Stay honest in front of children. Obey hunting laws. Obey speeding laws. They notice… Buy a picture bible for some young neighbor's birthday, or graduation. Or how about a nice large print leather one for your state representative. Get his name put on it. Write him a little note about something he did that made good sense. Tell him you are praying for him and for his family. Mention this gift next year, when you call to ask his help on school reform, or tax relief, or perhaps if you'd like to take your children on a field trip to the state capital. If nothing else, you'll get free maps, but you might end up with children that know their way around, later in life. Maybe they'll know their way around the halls of the capital. Could THAT have an effect on your state? Hmmm... #8. "…I think we're giving our freedoms away because we don't fully comprehend what we are losing." Also: "…They don't know the value of what they are losing." (FIND OUT ! Take a history course, or visit the library, and study. One of you mentioned Sally Wister, the other day. Some sort of diary that this young girl, during the revolutionary war period wrote. It sounded fascinating. I can't wait to get to the library to see if I can find a copy. Another plug, here to study your constitution, and other pertinent documents. The gov't will send you copies, as will many other groups. Do a study on government owned lands. You may find out you've been out and out robbed! Turn off the TV. The news that's on there is 12 hours old, already. Go find out something nobody else in town knows, and become an authority. Visit your local historical society, and thumb through their old writings. You'll uncover all KIND of things that you, your children, and your community are now deprived of. #9. "We are SO DEPENDENT on the government that it's scary!" (Knowledge is power. That's one reason for this forum, I'm sure, to get smart enough to extricate ourselves from the dependence on Uncle Scam, ‘er Sam. Let's face facts. We are a dependent sort of race. Just as soon as God made man, he stepped back and said, "I'd better not leave him alone... I will make a helper for him. Now the immediate implication I draw from that, is that man needs help. Dependence starts with husband and wife, and spreads out into the community. We need to depend on one another, instead of the government for every little thing. If the church had ever done it’s job at caring for the poor, we never would have ended up with this gov’t welfare system that drains the pockets of everyone alike. Giving was intended to be a PRIVILEGE. So now, instead, it has become a _____________. (fill in the blank) #10. "Our society is brainwashed into blindly following rules." (Let's change that, and find out which rules stink, and work toward change, always remembering that the effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man avail (change) much....) Examine Lena’s question again, and say what can I do??? Skip, thanks for sharing the soapbox.

-- Action Dude (theactiondude@yahoo.com), February 08, 2001.

The vaccine issue is a tough one. A study in England showed a possible link between the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) to autism and bowel disease. The results were so shocking to parents that the rate of MMR vaccine in the UK has dropped dramatically (vaccines are not mandatory for school entry in Britain), and they now expect a measles epidemic in the year 2002 (scare tactics?). This study was heavily criticized by mainstream medical organizations. I think we need to take it seriously. Mandatory vaccination is just another way for the government to support the powerful drug companies. Someone asked why they test vaccines on ethnic groups. Think about it--they have access to these groups because these may be people that are dependent on the government for their medical care (if they are low income)! They attend public health clinics, where Big Brother can control and monitor them. Children and poor people have always been the guinea pigs for the medical establishment and drug companies. All our vaccination data comes from experiments on babies and children because they have access to children. They haven't done any longitudinal studies on vaccinations. By the time they find out there are problems, children have been harmed. Take the rotovirus vaccine. It was approved by the FDA, only to be recalled later because it caused bowel obstruction. I'm not sure why the gov't and drug companies get away with this.

I have always firmly believed that the gov't and authorities want to keep us in the dark. It is hard to convince some people otherwise once they have been indoctrinated into this line of thinking.

-- Amy (acook@in4web.com), February 09, 2001.

freedom can be taken in many ways, for example, court case in KY. seller sells property 1-99 For 6 months he continues to come on property. buyer say no! seller sues ,says he left property on land ,is entitled to come on property and remove what ever he says is there.no proof he left anything there, just says so.Nothing in contract that he can come back in, because it's not there the judge says they can come in. anyone hear of trespassing. county attorney says civil case, not criminal? judge rules in favor of seller. why , old family, no law to support judgement. given new prices for items listed,buyer has reciepts for items on farm, ignored.it is appeal, same county court, ruled same. Can be appealed again, but by now have $5,000 invested. where do you go for justice when income is limited? there are laws ,but when they are ignored by the ones who are elected to uphold them, what do you do?

-- lexi Green (whitestone11@hotmail.com), February 09, 2001.

Well Lexi, that's easy, you make more laws so that people feel they're getting their tax dollars worth of the lawmakers. (black comedy rules the day!)

-- Doreen (animalwaitress@excite.com), February 09, 2001.

I apologize, but must admit that I have only scanned the above responses. Attempting to be brief, I must submit thus: 1.We are so far free men (forget the PC bullshit), and should do what is necessary to continue to be so. 2. A man armed is a citizen. A man unarmed is a subject. 3. The 2nd Amendment is not about duck hunting, as Despicable Bill would have you believe. It is about the ability to resist an oppressive government. You (apparently least some of you ) trust them with automatic (and nuclear) weapons. Why don't they trust you with the same? 4. A strong offense is absolutely imperitive to fend off the wishes of the insane dictators, to wit: Saddam, Moamar, and Yassar (that's my baby) Arafat! They are all terrorists, and it is only because we are "humane" that they continue to live! Is there a one of them that is worth a bootful of spit? Or their followers? Whoa! Got verbose! Sorry, and GL!

-- Brad (homefixer@SacoRiver.net), February 12, 2001.

Nice to see I'm among friends here. There's an old saying--we preserve our freedoms using four boxes: the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box.

We need to use the first three to their fullest extent. Use the internet soap box to influence elections (the ballot box) and to remind people of jury nullification (the legal right of juries to decide not just the guilt or innocence of the accused, but the rightness of the law itself). We keep doing the first three, in hopes that we won't have to resort to the final box. But be aware, someday, some folks even think someday soon, we may have to open that last box. Or allow our children to live as slaves to government, forfeiting the legacy of liberty they deserve to inherit from us.

Plant and save your seeds, bake your bed, chop your wood.

And keep your powder dry.

Just my $.03 worth.

-- Anna Ravenscroft (revanna@hockey.net), February 12, 2001.

Well we give our freedoms away because we are convinced of our own immortality. We are willing to be convinced by a line of liberal balogna that says that we can't live without our government to diaper and wipe us. The thing that really gets to me is that most of my freedom was taken in my parents and grandparents age. I really had nothing to say about it. I am 36 years old. I feel like that people made their fortunes off the freedom that they refuse to give to me. My grandfather could by a cow and sell the milk, without government interference. I can't. My grandfather could carry a rifle to school and shoot squirrels on the way, my son can't. My grandfather, could decide on a business and start it up without a permit. I can't. My grandfather could find a piece of land, build a house, and start whatever business he chose right from his home. I can't. My grandfather could choose to save for his retirement in whatever way he chose, and keep most of his paycheck. I can't. My grandfather, wasn't required to go to a public brainwashing house, instead in his day the constitution was taught as freely as immoral lifestyles are today. I was. To me it is a terrible generation of vipers who make their fortune on freedom, and then steal that right from the generations that follow. From their own children, and children's children, they steal, and all the while tell us they are protecting us. No one will go hungry they shouted, and it was a LIE. No one will be hurt they shouted, and it was a LIE. War will end forever, they shouted, and it is a LIE. You will have plenty of money in your elder years, and it IS A LIE. LIES, LIES, ALL LIES, and I struggle to protect the last shreds of freedom for my children. How I pray my children cannot look back at my generation and say, "There is where the culmination of my utter slavery came into being. There is where the new Hitler was born."

Little Bit Farm

-- Little bit Farm (littlebit@calinet.com), February 13, 2001.

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