i've created a vcd with video pack 4 but my dvd is'nt play the number i press

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hay. This is the first time i post a message here. till now i've only read messages, but now i have a problem. Thanks to you i've manege to put together a comlete VCD But when i play it on my standalone DVD And i press a number on the menue to get to a play item My DVD play which play item he like and not the play item that assosiated with the number. maybe my dvd strucyure is wrong? i dont know. please help me. thanks in advanced. EREZ.

-- erez (erez1409@netvision.net.il), January 25, 2001


It's easy to get confused when creating multi-play items and multi- menus with VideoPack 4 and route the wrong node to the next wrong node. If I were you, I will create a new project using the same items, carefully noting which node leads to which one. Toggle between menu routings and default views to confirm the intended program flow. I emphasized creating a new project because it seems, at times, correcting existing projects seem to push VideoPack into creating even more unwieldy playing VCDs. I know what you mean: pressing menu choice "1" makes menu choice "2" play, or play item "5" plays twice in a row everytime it's chosen, or the last menu choice loops and plays indefinitely, for example, even when you swear you routed everything correctly. The one pattern I've found here is that with VideoPack, projects where you laid out and connected the nodes according to the play style you want and DID NOT delet a node or correct any other thing in the project layout before creating the VCD makes the resulting VCD, for some reason, much more likely to play correctly compared with a project where many corrections in the routings have been done. It will be tedious to repeat anew if the project is complex; the only way for me is to draw it on pencil and paper first and then route the nodes ever so carefully.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (turk690@yahoo.com), January 29, 2001.

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