The hole trooof and nuttin but the trooooof : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

I understand direct mail, and I had this story first. I walked away from a million dollars in book royalties, deliberately, to avoid this very accusation. My subscriber Ed Yourdon did well with his book. My friend Mike Hyatt, a publisher who refused for 20 years to publish my "commercially challenged" books, has made a deserved fortune with his books, which my work prompted. I wish both men well. The same can be said of books by my friends Karen Anderson and Victor Porlier, and my partner John Mauldin. I gave them all the footnotes they needed, and they did well with them. A big chunk of that money could have been mine. I ran this site instead.

Gary North's Y2K Links and Forums

Summary and Comments (feel free to mail this page)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Category: Programmers'_Views Date: 1999-07-08 11:33:26 Subject: Lying for Jesus, That God's Will Might Be Done -- Brian Towey Link: Comment: Brian Towey is a liar. He lies for Jesus. He bears false witness for Jesus. And he programs, too.

Christians will look you in the eye and lie. It's for Jesus' sake, you understand. Always for God's sake. It honors Him. If it fools the sheep for a righteous cause, a lie is God's holy way. Let me show you how it works.

At a recent church seminar on y2k, Mr. Towie began with a prayer:

Opening Prayer

God, by whom the meek are guided in judgment, and light rises up in darkness for the godly: Grant us, in all our doubts and uncertainties, the grace to ask what you would have us to do, that the Spirit of wisdom may save us from all false choices, and that in your light we may see light, and in your straight path may not stumble; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

About Me

Hi! Thank you for coming. I’m Brian Towey. I run a small consulting practice in Durham, and for the last year and a half I have worked full time on Year 2000 issues for a major corporation. As part of my job I have made a point of checking the news and commentary on the Millennium Bug every day, and by now have I hundreds of research hours invested in the subject. In other words, I have plenty of opinions that I’m not necessarily entitled to, but on this subject I actually know whereof I speak.

And does he speak!

Lies are what he speaks. And I am the target.

I have been putting up with this in debates with Christians for 30 years. Towie is an amateur. You cannot imagine the extent to which God-fearing, Bible-pounding Christians will lie for the cause, in print, repeatedly, year after year.

But this time, the lies could kill people. Y2K is life-threatening. People need to prepare. So, I'm sensitive.

Mr. Towie spends a lot of time attacking my religious views, as interpreted by other critics. But in some cases, he has them right. Yes, I'm controvrersial. I am also unapologetic.

He tries to discredit me on y2k by saying that I cry "wolf." He brings up the nuclear war issue. He says that I said that there would be nuclear war -- guaranteed -- as in a prediction. It's a lie. I never said it. I said it was a big risk. I published Dr. Angelo Codevilla's anonymous essay, "The Danger Is Defeat, Not Destruction," in 1979. Dr. Codevilla was Senator Malcolm Wallop's research staffer for the Senate Armed Services Committee. It was an essay highly critical of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD), which left us vulnerable to a nuclear first strike. (And still does.) I pulled the copyright. I was told that at least 500,000 were reprinted.

The Russians are still producing advanced nuclear subs and warheads. Over 30,000 of them are still in place today. George Bush destroyed all of our tactical nuclear weapons. On the battlefield with the Russians or the Chinese, we would lose. I interviwed Sam Cohen on this point last week, and he reaffirmed this. Cohen invented the neutron bomb. He knows.

Then I co-authored a book with Dr. Arthur Robinson, Fighting Chance, on the moral necessity of a civil defense program to protect civilians. Over 300,000 of these went out, and Dr. Robinson got a pro-civil defense plank in the Republican Party platform in 1988.

Under Clinton, the civil defense division of FEMA was scrapped. There is no trace of it. The Clinton administration ordered all of the nation's civil defense radiation meters to be destroyed: hundreds of million of dollars worth, tossed into land fill. You didn't know that, did you? Under him, the entire library on civil defense at Oak Ridge was ordered destroyed. It wasn't. It got hidden. But that's because one old man, at the end of his career as the curator, disobeyed orders. Rest in peace, Conrad Chester. The files are safe.

Ronald Reagan put billions into "Star Wars" research -- SDI, or Strategic Defense Initiative -- to counter the Soviets' threat. It was not deployed, as Codevilla said it would not be, but it scared the Soviet military. I published taped interviews with two retired generals, Al Knight and Dan Graham, the original promoters of SDI, a year before Reagan gave his "Star Wars" speech.

But I'm the nut case. I'm the wolf-crier. I am sneered at as a man who said nuclear war had to come.

He says I want civilization to collapse. What an idiot! As a Christian, I want people to believe in the gospel of salvation, that Jesus died to save men from hell. I believe that this opportunity for belief exists only in the world. Why would I want half the West's urban population to die unsaved? The accusation is monstrous. I want a replacement for fractional reserve banking, preferably through the Internet. I want the infrtastructure to stay up.

For telling the truth about fractional reserve banking, he says I'm trying to create a riot. Lining up at an ATM machine is not a riot.

Look, if it's a question of believing in Alan Greenspan or a free market in money, without government monopoly banking, I'll take the latter. I believe the Alan Greenspan of 1966 -- the gold standard's advocate.

But what riles me is his lie about my life's work, donated free of charge: about 40 books for which I received no royalty payments, and for which I worked 20 hours a week at no pay for 22 years to raise the money to publish 37 of them.

He says that I write mostly books on what I regard as the latest holocaust. It's a lie. You can download, for free, all but but my 1986 book on how the liberals captured the Presbyterian Church, which I worked on for 30 years: , a 1100-page extension on my 1963 B.A. thesis. To see what I have written, click here. He writes:

He has written dozens of books: some on economics or history, but mostly on surviving the holocaust of the day.

My books are 90% academic, footnoted, and unsalable apart from subsidies, mainly of my time.

I understand direct mail, and I had this story first. I walked away from half a million dollars in book royalties, deliberately, to avoid this very accusation. My subscriber Ed Yourdon did well with his book. My friend Mike Hyatt, a publisher who refused for 20 years to publish my "commercially challenged" books, has made a deserved fortune with his books, which my work prompted. I wish both men well. The same can be said of books by my friends Karen Anderson and Victor Porlier, and my partner John Mauldin. I gave them all the footnotes they needed, and they did well with them. A big chunk of that money could have been mine. I ran this site instead.

I can write a book in two weeks, easily -- one week, if I'm pushed. You think I could not have done it?

Towey, you're a liar. You can see what my books are. You counted them. You saw the titles. You told people what they said. You lied. Most have nothing to do with civilizational collapse. They have everything to do with avoiding it.

There. It's out of my system. I leave you with this: When a man looks you in the eye and lies in the name of Jesus, guard your wallet. More important, guard your soul.

* * * * * * * * *

. . . In his entire Internet site, you would be hard-pressed to find any religious material at all. It is entirely dedicated to broken computers, foolish bureaucrats, and the peculiar madness of crowds. His politics shows sometimes -- North can be positively gleeful about the demise of the Internal Revenue Service--but not his radical religious views.

Gary North wants society to collapse so that the Dominion/Reconstructionist Christians can take over and begin their thousand-year kingdom. He's even helping it collapse, by making dire predictions of banks runs that fall just short of inciting to riot. But, you would never guess it from his writings on the Millennium Bug. You would also not guess that he has been predicting the Big One for nearly 30 years. First, it was nuclear war. Then, it was AIDS. He has written dozens of books: some on economics or history, but mostly on surviving the holocaust of the day. He has cried wolf so loudly and so often that some people refuse to take Y2K seriously simply because Gary North does.

If the New Year comes and goes without widespread disaster, Gary North will be as angry as the prophet Jonah when God threatened to destroy the city of Ninevah and then didn't follow through. . . .

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Here are my books:

Marx's Religion of Revolution: Regeneration Through Chaos (1968, 1989)

An Introduction to Christian Economics (1973)

Puritan Economic Experiments (1974, 1988)

None Dare Call It Witchcraft (1974)

How You Can Profit from the Coming Price Controls (1977)

Unconditional Surrender: God's Program for Victory (1981, 1988, 1994)

Successful Investing in an Age of Envy (1981)

The Dominion Covenant: Genesis (1982, 1987)

Government by Emergency (1983)

Backward, Christian Soldiers? (1984)

75 Bible Questions Your Instructors Pray You Won't Ask (1984)

Coined Freedom (1984)

Moses and Pharaoh: Power Religion vs. Dominion Religion (1985)

The Sinai Strategy: Economics and the Ten Commandments (1986)

Conspiracy: A Biblical View (1986)

Honest Money: Biblical Principles of Money and Banking (1986)

Fighting Chance (1986), with Arthur Robinson

Unholy Spirits: Occultism and New Age Humanism (1986)

Dominion and Common Grace (1987)

Inherit the Earth: Biblical Principles for Economics (1987)

Liberating Planet Earth (1987)

Healer of the Nations: Biblical Principles of International Relations (1987)

The Pirate Economy (1987)

Is the World Running Down?: Crisis in the Christian Worldview (1988)

When Justice Is Aborted: Biblical Standards for Non-Violent Resistance (1989)

Trespassing for Dear Life: What Is Operation Rescue Up To? (1989)

Political Polytheism (1989)

The Hoax of Higher Criticism (1990)

Tools of Dominion: The Case Laws of Exodus (1990)

Millennialism and Social Theory (1990)

Victim's Rights: The Biblical View of Civil Justice (1990)

The Judeo-Christian Tradition: A Guide for the Perplexed (1990)

Westminster's Confession: The Abandonment of Van Til's Legacy (1991)

Christian Reconstruction: What It Is, What It Isn't (1991), with Gary DeMar

The Coase Theorem: A Study in Economic Epistemology (1992)

Politically Incorrect: Christian Survival on the Secular Campus (1993)

Salvation Through Inflation: The Economics of Social Credit (1993)

Rapture Fever: Why Dispensationalism Is Paralyzed (1993)

Tithing and the Church (1994)

Leviticus: An Economic Commentary (1994)

Baptized Patriarchalism: The Cult of the Family (1994)

Crossed Fingers: How the Liberals Captured the Presbyterian Church (1996)

Sanctions and Dominion: A Economic Commentary on Numbers (1997)

Books I edited:

Foundations of Christian Scholarship: Essays in the Van Til Persuasion (1976)

Theonomy: An Informed Response (1991)



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-- Anonymous, January 25, 2001


The Results Are In

Well, Y2K is over, and arch-doomsayer Gary North was simply wrong. All of us whom he flamed for being even somewhat optimistic were vindicated. So, it seems, were the critics who pointed out that his dire Y2K predictions may have had more to do with his peculiar religious views than with reality.  Since he continues to leave his spiteful rhetoric up on the Internet, I suppose I'll have to leave this page up to refute it.

Each To His Own

I was a Y2K programmer. I knew that the threat was real.  If it were left unfixed, the millennium bug could have caused great harm to business and industry. But, it wasn't left unfixed. I fixed my part. And, most everyone else fixed theirs, too -- much to my relief!

No central authority directed the repairs. Indeed, no central authority could have, any more than it could prove to the doomsayers that everything would be all right.

But, individuals took care of their own back yards, and it all worked out. The "invisible hand" of Adam Smith had an arm-wrestling match with the "black hand" of Malthus, and Smith won. I see that as a very positive beginning for a new millennium.

C. Brian Towey

-- Anonymous, January 25, 2001

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