Does WinOnCD actually work for NTSC? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hey all-I've owned WinOnCD 3.6 and 3.7 for some time now, and despite what is advertized, I cannot make a VCD with menus in NTSC mode. I have no problems (or at least very few) with making PAL discs of all kinds, but any time I hit "record" for an NTSC disc, I end up getting a blue screen, and error message, or just some general bad stuff happening.
Has anyone gotten this program to work properly? If so, does anyone have an example they'd care to share with me?
I wonder if Videopack or WinOnCD 3.8 would help, but after shelling out $100 for WinOnCD only to have it not work as promised, I don't exactly feel like making another blind purchase...
Thanks, Korey Atterberry
-- Korey Atterberry (, January 03, 2001