Exile New Year's / 12th Night Party!greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Friday, January 5th, 2001
at DaVinci's Exile in Excite VP
starting at 8pm ET (1am GMT)
all night long (or at least until the cows stop dancing)Invite your friends, your enemies, your neighbors
but most especially bring yourselves,
and drag along all those Exilers who haven't
been around in a while!
Pass the word!
-- editrix (editrix@windhaven.com), December 29, 2000
Happy New Year Edit et al., hope you had a good Christmas too. I'm sorry I won't be around for the party next week, I'm heading up to Scotland tomorrow for New Year - a cottage in the snowy countryside with some family. Hope to get in some cross-country skiing too, seeing as how it's snowed here this week - very pretty.I rarely get on the computer these days, working too hard before Christmas, but I am now unemployed again, and looking like I am off to Hong Kong in February for a new job. And some warmer weather I hope!
New Years greetings to you all, and have a great party. Say Hi to anyone who remembers me!
-- leucite (leucite@hotmail.com), December 30, 2000.
Did Laighe do this dancing cow? It looks like her handiwork! It's not my fault this time that Leucite would rather be x-country skiing in Scotland and visiting family than join us for the party. She had no idea I was planning to attend - there is no way it is my fault this time! We will just have to have extra fun to make up for her abandoning us!
-- orpheus6 (orpheus48@hotmail.com), December 30, 2000.
Leucit e- you lucky woman. I'd love to visit Scotland in the snow... Hope you had a ball! Orph - I only wish I had made that cow but I'd love to steal it for a gesture or an avatar (hint, hint, Edit). Hey, speaking of people not being at the party last night, where were you Orpheus? Dang, I got all dressed up and even borrowed an av from Editrix just for rhe occaision. : )
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), January 06, 2001.
Laighe, you looked lovely as always. The party was very nice. And a very happy new year to everyone! Edit, your snow scenes are very serene, and I'm sure you are enjoying it. Do keep the photos coming once you get that hot digital camera, won't you?Here's to the New Year! VAVA
-- vava shagwell (vavashagwell@hotmail.com), January 07, 2001.
I missed al the fun..:)Hope eveyones new year was the best.
-- jaizee (jaizee@excite.com), January 12, 2001.
damn... i totally spaced it out. * hangin my head * i wanted to come see everyone. miss you all. sorry Editrix.
-- desdra (sparklz101@hotmail.com), January 12, 2001.