How large boar buck : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

How large should a pure SA boar buck one year old be? Will he grow alot in his second year?

-- Dennis Carpenter (, December 20, 2000


A minimum of 150 lbs.A top quality buck should do better.Full grown he should be over 300.A buck raised solely on pasture would probably be lighter but then he might never reach his full potential. Any well cared for goat should continue to grow for around 4 years. Many don't because they are bred too young,don't get the right food,no minerals,no parasite treatment etc. Boer keepers here must be born about 10 lbs and average 10 lbs per month gain.A little less for does,a little more for bucks. JT whose feed bill is off the charts

-- JT Sessions (, December 21, 2000.

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