Getting sound to come through : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i have got a sony dvd player (335) and have connected it to my pc via a TV captures card with a s-video lead, i press play on the dvd player and record on the pc, the image comes out perfect but i don't get any sound, i have tried a scart lead as well that does not do anything, plz can some one help me plz!!!!!!!!! it would be very helpful, thanx!!

-- Sonny (, December 20, 2000


I'm not an expert, but I believe the S-video is for video only, and you have to connect the audio out jacks from your TV to the Line in on your PC. You will need a cable that has the two audio jacks on one end and the stereo mini plug on the other end to connect to your PC.

-- Rick Zuburg (, May 31, 2001.

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