Color Scheme for the Nancy Hanks Passenger Cars. : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Does anyone know what color the roofs for the Nancy Hanks passenger cars are? I've studied the pictures in Al Langley's book and the roofs look to be a dull silver or an off-white.

Thanks for the help,

Ed Locklin in Charlotte.

-- Edwin C. Locklin (, December 13, 2000



Here's some information on the Nancy Hanks II ACF cars.

Most, if not all, of the cars were delivered with skirts.

The roofs, when delivered, were the same grey color as the grey stripes on the side.

The stripes measured as follows: 1) The lowest blue stripe was specified to be 4 15/16". It began about 3' 6 13/16" above the top of the rail 2) The lowest grey pinstripe was 2 1/2" 3) The thick, middle blue stripe was 20 1/4" 4) The top grey pinstripe was 2 1/2" 5) The top blue stripe (underneath the windows) was 6" 6) The blue stripe on the letterboard was 15 7/8" and was 3' 1 1/2" above the blue stripe (no. 5)

The grey was Threshers Synamel Grey #9819 The blue was Threshers Synamel Blue #9820 The lettering was all Dulux Imitation Gold, Threshers 21-13-95-056 (Note that these colors are not exactly the same as the blue/grey diesels! Those were DuPont Duco, with different stock numbers.)

I hope that the Christmas holidays will give us enough time to complete the artwork for the Nancy Hanks II/Man O' War decal sets.

Allen Tuten

-- Allen Tuten (, December 16, 2000.

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