Lunch Menu : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

All items served buffet style today.

Appetizers:Oysters on the half shell and "The Fire" chicken drummies.

Lobster Tails

Crab Legs

Corn dogs

Dessert:Bannana Pudding with real nilla wafers and Jello shooters.

The bar will be unstaffed today due to shoddy management,so help yourself and if you see I'm running short on anything just leave moi a note and I'll restock.

Have a LARGR time!!!

-- capnfun (, December 05, 2000



I love jello shooters!!!!!

Momma never made jello that way when I was a kid......

Friend of ours made blueberry and grain alcohol for the Fla-Ga game a few weeks back - you could feel them slide all the way down....

I was done after 3 of'em!


-- Deano (, December 05, 2000.

I'm about the only person I know who can't stand Jello. It's right up there with oysters and mussels and cottage cheese and eggs -- it's a "texture" thing. No tolerance in the palate for textures such as those.

Capn, are those King Crab Legs?!?!?! (drool.....drool.....)

-- Patricia (, December 05, 2000.

Just for you Pat : )

-- capnfun (, December 05, 2000.

Ooooo...thank ye capn!

I think I'll have the Lobster Tails...

But then again, the King Crab Legs look yummie too...

Heck, I'll have any doggie bags?

-- Peg (, December 05, 2000.

Thanks, capn! Any banana-vanilla thing is heavenly to me -- I love that mix of flavors. In fact, my favorite "snack" is two bananas pierced, then mashed with a fork in a tall glass, adding about a teaspoon of vanilla extract -- although sometimes I experiment with this -- like adding a beaten egg and/or orange juice, mashed strawberries, blueberries, malt powder, etc.

I walk stairs at my house as exercise (about an hour a day), usually reading at the same time -- but when I fix this drink, I'll take it with me -- I just keep plunging the fork into the bananas as I walk the steps -- then, mash what's left on the sides of the glass 'till they're semi-pureed. Maybe next time I'll chop up a vanilla bean and sprinkle it in.

I know I could do the blender thing, but I just never much got into that way of life. I guess somehow I feel more in control of things this way. (ok, Freudians, take yer best shot...):)

-- eve (, December 05, 2000.

I'm hungry (growl) =o)

-- cin (cin@=0.)), December 05, 2000.

Would a Jello Shooter be in the same store aisle as the Salad Shooter?

-- dinosaur (, December 05, 2000.

Since we're talking about food, I can't stand the thought of eating a snail swimming around in butter and garlic. I feel nausea coming on - OH LOOK - LOSERMAN (Lieberman), is on the TV, he's whining again. I think he's suffering from constipation. He has that constipated look and that constipated whining voice. Pathetic, simply pathetic. Here--Slow Joe Loserman (I'm handing him a couple of pieces of EX-LAX), eat this, it will make you feel better. I think I'll go put on Screamn' Jaw Hawkin's CD "Constipation Blues."

-- Mrs. Cleaver (Mrs. Cleaver@LITBBBB.xcom), December 05, 2000.

I'm full. ugh

-- cin (cin@cin.cin), December 05, 2000.


Jello shooter recipe - it's a tough one so write it down:

Where it says add 2 cups of hot water, subsitute one of those cups with a cup of vodka, rum or something that goes with the flavor of the jello.

Orange jello and vodka Strawberry jello and rum

Easy and fun!


-- Deano (, December 06, 2000.

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