not the right forum (sort of) but i need your help : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i was wondering and did a few searches with no luck. Is their anyway to convert a shockwave flash media file into an mpeg or some other similar file? Ir is their a way to view the flash media offline (i get the files for them by taking them from my temporary internet files folder). Also this is a good trick to get those .mov that they only allow you to view online, wait until its loaded up and thne go into this folder and copy/or cut it out and its yours). Any info would greatly be appreciated. thanks-- And yes i have done searches (no luck for this) and have gone more then out of my way to help a number of you, so please no complaining that i did not do a search.

-- Doug (, November 29, 2000


excuse me for being a bit snippy. it is late and i have not had much sleep

-- Doug (, November 29, 2000.

This is an interesting question, although I am not sure that it has an easy solution. You could consider try to 'capture' the flash file as it plays into a capture card of some sort, but that wouldn't be a very easy sol'n. What I am thinking is that the original software that makes these files (macromedia dreamweaver) would be the only thing to help you control the file format out put. You would have to get a copy and see if you can load up the files and export them.


-- Tygrus (, November 29, 2000.

Hi All You can export a flash file into avi within Flash itself and then encode the avi to mpeg.

But to my working knowledge so far, Flash 5 doesn't support DV format, just yet! :((((((

As to downloading a flash file, I haven't tried out retrieving a flash file from the temp folders. Thanks for the tip, Doug.

For playback of flash files sent to you, just double-click on them within Explorer and Netscape or IE will launch with the appropiate plugin to play them. Of course if you have Flash itself..........

Cheers NT

-- NT (, November 30, 2000.

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