Republicans exploit their children : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

They teach their children to how to lie from the day they are born.

Does this sound like the behavior of responsible parents, manipulating the will of their very own children, when they are too young to even decide for themselves what is right and wrong?

-- (power@at.any.price), November 25, 2000


Oooh,..I'm scared. It's the violent republican mob! Help me Help me.

-- children know what a lie is (Waaaa@waaaa.waaaa), November 25, 2000.

Meanwhile, the Rev. Al Sharpton, a Pentacostal preacher and civil rights activist who has involved himself in a number of issues, arrived in Miami late Saturday night, promising to file a civil rights lawsuit in Jacksonville and Miami contesting shutdown of recounts. ''We intend to stop the undercutting of voters,'' Sharpton said.

-- Which mob will be scarier? (Sharpton@to.Your.rescue), November 26, 2000.

I see you will go to great lengths to keep yourself amused.

-- cin (cin@cin.cin), November 26, 2000.

"Another basis for that challenge is 10,000 sworn affidavits signed by residents ranging in age from 18 to 98, claiming they mistakenly voted for Pat Buchanan."

Those would be the 10,000 people that cast the 3,000 votes for Pat Buchanan. I'm glad Sharpton will be right on top of this one!

-- But this is okay, right? (, November 26, 2000.

This innocent child is being raised to lie. This may be acceptable for irresponsible parents like you, but I HARDLY find it "amusing".

-- (get@fucking.conscience), November 26, 2000.

I'll bet he was taught by his parents that cheating is bad. I'll bet he was taught by his parents that changing a rule after a game is over, and then demanding to replay just a part of it is cheating.

Oh, and PS...I have SIX photos now from AP news wire showing democrate children holding up democrate signs at a protest in Miami, which I will post for your enjoyment. One of them is all of 1 year old. One moment please.

-- Demi babies with signs for you. (Here@we.come), November 26, 2000.

hawk you are so pathetic

and just when i think you cant get any lower

-- cin (cin@cin.cin), November 26, 2000.

Fuck you cin you silly spreadlegged cunthole. You are one to talk about responsible parenting, having two illegitimate bastards without a father just because you felt like having a pleasure fuck.

-- (cin@loudmouth.whore), November 26, 2000.

Jeeze these last few topics are indicative of the division w/i our country. It does seem to be coming to a near boil. Whomever "wins" the presidency certainly will have a nearly impossible task of uniting the country. Th e right wing will freak if gore "wins"; if bush wins the dems will escalate their hysterics.Its been 3 weeks since the election-we ARE in uncharted judicial water- will this decision go to the senate(they are 50/50)?? This situation may perhaps be heading quickly toward a stalemate; and that could be very dangerous.

Add to the mix a prez who has no shame, no apparent allegiance to this country, and a seemingly insatiable political hunger and I put my money on BC capitalizing on a domestic emergency or constitutional crisis. He man has a history.

Perhaps my suggestion of a UN court becoming involved in this political situation is not as far fetched as it was 2 weeks ago?

-- Imaginative (I know it, November 26, 2000.


The man has a history

-- Imaginative (I know it, November 26, 2000.

This is not a lie. This picture was taken in 1991. I took it of my own child just before we joined Heaven's Gate.

-- (here's lookin' @you.babe), November 26, 2000.

Hawk, I realize that you are frantically seeking that ‘first’ sexual experience that has eluded you so far but let me suggest you adapt a more user-friendly style of pillow talk. You might find a lady that will tolerate you for a spell….or not! And no, playing with your mini- weenie don’t count. Go buy you some boy, should take you right over the edge.

-- I (h@ve.spoken), November 26, 2000.

Oh, lovely contridiction Hawk. You worry about a child at a rally with his parents, then use horrible language and insulting attitude towards women a paragraph later. Your attempt to provoke is paper thin.

To you, a woman with a child out of wedlock should be cursed at? Might as well curse at me too while your at it. I have one as well. But my son respects woman and would never use the language that just came out of your mouth. I taught him manners and courtesy, and he is a gentleman. Something you will never be.

But who knows, maybe that's the language you heard from your democratic parents growing up? They're being all liberal and all. And you wonder why those who stand for morality are so enraged? Give me a break.

-- As..usual (Two@faced.liar), November 26, 2000.


This child is not old enough to have developed his own value system. His parents stuff a sign into his hands, and tell him to go out in front of cameras, using him like a mindless puppet to advocate their own warped value system of greed and deception, and their lack of moral integrity.

As an adult with a highly developed sense of morality, I am free to choose how to interact with others, and I will reflect their hypocrisy for them to see, as I see fit. BTW, my parents are not liberals, far from it.

As for "provoking", it seems that cin the snotmouth whore, "as usual" is the one who likes to play that game. I've been putting up with her shit for quite some time, and her behavior on this forum has convinced me that she will never change. Once a whore, always a whore.

-- (repub.double.standard@as.usual), November 26, 2000.

As an adult with a highly developed sense of morality...

LOL! ROTFLMFAO!!! I don't know which part is funnier, the "adult" part, or the "morality" part.

First he says "when they are too young to even decide for themselves what is right and wrong? which just goes to show you why he curses at women, because his own parents let HIM decide what was right and wrong when HE was a child.

Did I say 'was' a child? Sorry, he still is a child, since he still cannot figure wrong from right.

You ever speak like that to a woman around me and your teeth will be shitting out your butt the next day.

-- Uncle Deedah (, November 26, 2000.


If the child's sign had instead substituted "Gore" for "Bush", may we assume that your thoughts on this would be precisely the same, and that you would have posted them here, just as you have with the child's "Bush" sign?

And please stop your attacks on cin. As far as I've seen, they're way out of proportion to whatever she's done to you, in any case.

-- eve (, November 26, 2000.

"To you, a woman with a child out of wedlock should be cursed at?"

I don't know about the guy you responded to, but I call women who choose to have children out of wedlock and decide to not extend that choice to other women to be hypocrites.

-- Alice in Wonder Bra (alice@wonder.bra), November 26, 2000.

Good point Alice. But don't you know that cin all of a sudden has become interested in the Lord, just like Dubya did, so that makes it okay to be a hypocrite. They think that if they pray real hard, their injustice to others will be "wiped clean". LOL!


"If the child's sign had instead substituted "Gore" for "Bush", may we assume that your thoughts on this would be precisely the same, and that you would have posted them here, just as you have with the child's "Bush" sign?"

I'm still waiting for someone who said they were going to post some pictures of this, but so far I haven't seen it. Yes, my thoughts would be precisely the same, but right now I am working on reflecting the hypocrisy and deceptiveness coming from the right side of the fence, since this seems to be the dominant mentality on this forum at this point in time.

"And please stop your attacks on cin. As far as I've seen, they're way out of proportion to whatever she's done to you, in any case."

Are you saying it is okay to be hateful towards others, as long as we do it in "small" amounts? Hmmmm, interesting. Maybe that is why the world is so fucked up, many people feel the same way as you!

Acting out of hatred and intolerance for other people is no less significant when it is done in a cunning fashion without using foul language, it is still an offensive act of hatred. People often do not feel shocked until something is done "out of proportion", so this is often necessary to call their attention to their behavior. Acting out of hate is acting out of hate, regardless of the "proportion" of the hatred.

-- (united.we.stand@divided.we.fall), November 26, 2000.

dude you need some serious medication

I'm thinking paranoid schizophrenia because of all the imagined evils that others (especially me) are doing to you. And that I am somehow evil and dirty. Classic case. Remember David Berkowitz AKA son of sam?

hawk seriously though....there is help out there. You don't have to go through life feeling tormented like this. Please get some help. You are not hurting me at all with your words. I understand it's all part of your illness.

No go do the right thing. =)

-- cin (cin@cin.cin), November 26, 2000.

LOL, like I said, you'll never change. If you want to go through life being a hypocritical snot-mouthed bitch, that is your perogative. But don't pretend that "finding the Lord" is going to magically erase the spiteful hurt you have inflicted on others. And don't think for a minute that I'm going to sit here and let you offend me because you think you're a "woman", and people like idiot Unk will come rushing to your rescue. People are people, and hate is hate.

-- LOL (you'll.never@be."saved"), November 26, 2000.

OMG, it just dawned on me that he thinks your Laura. Still. LOL

-- k. (k@a.n), November 26, 2000.

Damn right I will stand up for her.

And my guess is that it would not take too much to stand up to you in real life either, since you ran away from Andy Ray like a frilly pantied little girl when he offered to meet with you in person.

-- Uncle Deedah (, November 26, 2000.

LOL, gee Unk, you're scaring me, you wasted old fuck! It was I who offered to meet Andy at his hotel, but the whining teal pissant wouldn't reveal his location. I've seen pictures of your sorry loudmouth ass, and I could break you in two as easily as the wishbone on my Thanskgiving turkey. You're a tough guy with your mouth, but in person I'll kick your fucking shit to hell and back. :-)

-- LOL, I'm shakin (uncle.doodah@the.blowhard.republitarian.tough.guy), November 26, 2000.


-- Uncle Deedah (, November 26, 2000.

Anger Management Course, anyone?

-- Hawk must be so cool. (Hawk@can.beat.up.people), November 26, 2000.

Yeah keep believin hawk

And thanks Unk. You are the absolute greatest. You do realize I will be fantasizing about you now (moreso than usual). Hope that's okay. =)

-- cin (cin@cin.cin), November 26, 2000.

No problem cin, I am used to chicks fantasizing about me ;-)

BTW, Hawk, why were you afraid to post your pic?

-- Uncle Deedah (, November 26, 2000.

"Hawk must be so cool. (Hawk@can.beat.up.people)"

Hey dimwit, if you wanna back up to the beginning of this thread and start over, you'll see that It was mister macho tough guy Unk who threatened first with violence. When threatened with violence, believe me, I WILL defend myself.

Of course this is the way a moron like Unk lives his life everyday. Drinks a few beers and starts feeling real macho, because without his beers he's got not guts at all. Acting tough and macho helps him to impress brainless, worthless sluts like cin. Same way he got his stupid whore wife, by getting her drunk and then talkin real macho-like. Dumb whores love that shit.

-- (Congratulations Unk! @ Cin. is spreading her legs for ya!), November 26, 2000.

Dumb whores? Never met one. In my youth I met a lot of so-called working girls but they were very ‘smart’ whores. They never gave ME any money. Hawk has never seen a whore and most likely is still a virgin, scared to death at the thought of having to have sex. His propensity for degrading the ladies comes from that insecurity. Poor thing can’t be much of a specimen now can he? Happy trails butt boy.

-- I (h@ve.spoken), November 27, 2000.

Cin and Unk,

Don't be too hard on our little boy Hawk. If you had all those gerbils or hamsters or whatever they are running around in your ass like he does you'd be testy too.

-- Monkey Spanker (, November 27, 2000.

You guys are right. I've run across a few losers that talked about women like Hawk does, none of them were getting any either. And Hawk, sorry I threatened you, I am not one to pick on skrawny pimple faced losers who cannot even find a hooker that would be willing to "do" them. You might try offering a lot more money next time.

-- Uncle Deedah (, November 27, 2000.


I had said,

"And please stop your attacks on cin. As far as I've seen, they're way out of proportion to whatever she's done to you, in any case."

You replied,

[Are you saying it is okay to be hateful towards others, as long as we do it in "small" amounts? Hmmmm, interesting. Maybe that is why the world is so fucked up, many people feel the same way as you!]

[Acting out of hatred and intolerance for other people is no less significant when it is done in a cunning fashion without using foul language, it is still an offensive act of hatred. People often do not feel shocked until something is done "out of proportion", so this is often necessary to call their attention to their behavior. Acting out of hate is acting out of hate, regardless of the "proportion" of the hatred.]

First off -- personally, I view profanity as the real "small amounts" -- mainly because it affects me least of all. It usually leads me to dismiss the abuser as unable to express himself intelligently. Hawk, I do see you as intelligent, although to the extent you go off on one of these little "excursions", I usually just shake my head and tune it out, with a "there he goes again" observation; and I hope the recipients of your abuse are doing likewise.

Acts of hate, when done in a "cunning" fashion, can in many cases be taken apart logically by the recipient, or can be ignored. Either way, the hate-spewer usually ends up looking foolish. You know -- for the most part, hoisted by their own petard.

Regarding your "method" -- maybe initially it would cause one to wonder what had been done to deserve your attacks, but when the other side's comments have been examined and seen as in no way deserving of the abuse, all it does is cause the outside observer to look back upon the abuser as just a flake, and not to be taken seriously.

Don't get me wrong, though -- you're not a flake to me, Hawk, because I've seen other, positive, sides of you that would contradict that notion. It's just that, overall, I think you're really only hurting yourself by this approach, as many will (or already do) see you this way -- to some extent, or to a great extent.

In any case, I think you're sharp enough to cut anyone to ribbons, using a calm, rational approach -- much more effective, IMO. You don't need that other stuff.

Just my two cents.

-- eve (, November 27, 2000.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.


The shittin' out your teeth line had me spewing coffee!!! Classic!

Yall did realize that Squawk is a great big ol' bounty hunter, right??? :-)

Damn, just got more coffee on my desk.......

Squawk - some free advice - you'll die a virgin if you continue to talk to the ladies that way. Take it or leave it......


-- Deano (, November 27, 2000.

Awe, we insulted his manhood. I almost feel sorry for the little feller.


-- cin (cin@cin.cin), November 27, 2000.


Is it proper to use the word 'manhood' in reference to squawk??

Oxymoron comes to mind......


-- Deano (, November 27, 2000.


Just to clarify my point above on profanity:

Contrary to what some might think, I'm no prude when it comes to profanity. When used in limited ways, in some contexts it can be colorful and funny -- and can add a biting emphasis, sometimes right on, in driving home a point.

But you use it in a systematic fashion, purely to function as retributive abuse, and/or to shock. Not wanting to belabor the point, you already know I think there's a better way.

-- eve (, November 27, 2000.

Ol' squawk must be hot on the trail (or is that tail) of some most wanted felon.

Hey, I'm bored........


-- Deano (, November 27, 2000.

Yes, and it's easy to see how you get your "jollies". :-)

-- lol (deano@bored.and.boring), November 27, 2000.

I have to ask.

And how do you think I get my "jollies" professor??


-- Deano (, November 27, 2000.

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