This is not an election process!!! What is it? : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Folks, this country's constitution, the people's trust and faith in the electoral process, and a united population are all being destroyed, right before our eyes, as we speak (sic).

I see it this way:

The appointed court jesters have seized control of appointing the ones who appoint them. The ones who vote decide nothing, the ones who count the votes decide everything (Joseph Stalin).

The population is now successfully divided right down the middle. As easy to manipulate as a coupla' puppy dogs.

The Child King now awaits the extreme factions of left and right to start their shenanigans, while his legions await marching orders. I'd guess next Tuesday is in the OPORDER.

Keep your powder dry, your eyes open, and your partisanship in your pocket.

This ain't left or right, right or wrong, black or white. It's the culmination of many years manipulation, deception, and channeling (funneling).

Don't follow those lemmings, they approach the cliff.

Fearmonger? Realist? Crazy?

Am I the last one standing?

-- Three Decades Army (, November 17, 2000


Relax. Worse come to worse this republic will withstand 4 years of Gore. Won't be many places left you can legally hunt out here in the west but we just push them little Diane Feinstein signs out of the way anyhow.

Think ther'ed be a market for 'em on E-Bay. Just thought of that.

-- Carlos (, November 18, 2000.

"Relax. Worse come to worse this republic will withstand 4 years of Gore."

But if worse comes to WORST we'll get the Shrub, and whether this republic will survive 4 years of him is highly questionable. That fool is likely to get us into WWIII with Iraq, China, and Russia going at us all at the same time.

-- (bush', November 18, 2000.

Silly shit. (note that shit is not capitalized)

Nothing personal, but you are stupidly wrong.

Don't expect to save you here or anywhere.

-- Carlos (, November 18, 2000.

I don't think we will get shrub. Team Gore seems pretty intent on manipulating ballots so that they appeart to have been Gore votes.

-- Team Gore (Four@4.Gore), November 18, 2000.

I think you've missed the point. We will survive, the country will survive. We'll thrive in the future, and remain the strongest nation in the world.

However, our election process is gravely wounded. It is in intensive care, and could go either way.

If the Democrats manipulate the electoral votes, as they (Bob Beckel) are already in the process of, and announcing to the world that they are, then the next election will be a question mark for both sides.

Pandora's box is already opened for the future. There is no going back. The lawyers control the countys, states, courts, and the Federal Governmant. Now they have seized control of the "elections".

Have you noticed that any person seeking office that is not a lawyer is attacked relentlessly from both sides?

I don't have anything personal against lawyers, but the monopoly they hold over all aspects of America is now obvious, blatant, and "legal". They write the laws, selectively prosecute, and impose sentencing.

All they have to do now is outlaw breathing, for environmental reasons, ya' know.

-- Three Decades Army (, November 18, 2000.

Hey dumb fuck:

If you don't like what's going on with our courts and election process go move to Cuba.


-- GFY (sick@of.whining), November 18, 2000.

I'm trying to figure out a couple of things here:

Carlos: Why will there be a dearth of "places to hunt" if Gore gets elected? Source please.

Team Gore: How exactly is "Team Gore.....manipulating ballots"? Proof, please; not conspiracy theories. (And do remember that there are OBSERVERS of not only the DEMOCRATIC persuasion, but also of the REPUBLICAN persuasion overseeing each and every count. Are you saying something about THEM?)

Three Decades Army: How are the Democrats "manipulating the electoral votes"? Proof please; not conspiracy theories. (And do remember that there are OBSERVERS of not only the DEMOCRATIC persuasion, but also of the REPUBLICAN persuasion overseeing each and every count. Are you saying something about THEM?)

Much as it gets my ire up [g], we would even survive four years of the whiny frat boy, because WE ARE THE U.S. of A. (Even if he DOES get us into some macho, I-need-to-leave-a-legacy-like-Daddy-did, I-don't-know-when-the-microphone-is-turned-off-and-thus-pissed-off-[in sert world leader's name here] war.)

When one removes the hatred and emotion from one's argument, in many instances (mine included), there is no argument left. Simply amazing how so many of us are so blinded by our hatred of something we can't even define that we cannot see this simple principle. And so much energy is needlessly wasted with the "nyahh, nyahh" and "did not, did too" BULLSHIT when that energy could better be spent working on solutions to the problems at hand.

This ain't left or right, right or wrong, black or white. It's the culmination of many years manipulation, deception, and channeling (funneling).

How true that is; it is not STRICTLY the fault of the Democrats OR the Republicans. It is a COMBINATION of the two.

Perhaps it's the Election System (e.g., campaign finance, electoral college, good-old-boy two-party-system, etc.) that's broken, people. Perhaps THAT'S what needs to be fixed.

-- Patricia (, November 18, 2000.

Patricia, I believe you actually "get it". Finally, somebody who thinks.

In answer to your question, "manipulating electoral votes", Bob Beckel (Democrat lawyer/consultant) announced on Neil Cavuto that he is indeed contacting Electoral Vote representatives to change their votes.

He is adamant about it. It was during the past week that this came to light. He stated he is spending his own money, and is sending all the Reps a study he commissioned, outlining the reasons, etc for them to change their votes. He said over a hundred have already been contacted. They are especially after Virginia and Florida. He stated this LIVE, on National TV. Check with Fox news for details.

I don't care which side your on, this is not good, for us, for America, for our future elections.

PS Did you see Saturday Night Live? It was great stuff (the political satire).

-- Three Decades Army (, November 20, 2000.

Thanks for the reference. You're right, it's NOT good. (I'm sitting here shaking my head at what "elections" have become.)

Missed SNL; since I've moved, I completely forget. Must be the "high desert" air :-)

-- Patricia (, November 20, 2000.

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