Boarding : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

I have 3 cats and one of them is a maine coon. I will be going on vacation next May and would like to know if anyone in New York (Suffolk County) know of a boarding place where I can keep them in one room. If I keep my cats at my vet, they will be separate and would like them to stay together. One look after the other and the other looks after the other one. It may sound funny, but if I explain you would know why.

Please let me know if anyone knows of a place.

-- Anonymous, November 17, 2000


Rather than taking your pets somewhere to be boarded, couldn't you have a friend or neighbor come to your home once a day for feeding, cleaning the cat box, etc.?

I live in So. California and there is a retired lady in the neighborhood who does this as a little side job. She'll come in and water plants, feed the animals, walk the dog, whatever for about $4 or $5 a day. It's cheaper than boarding and the animals aren't traumatized by being stuck in a cage in a strange environment as well as having them wondering where you are and why you did this to them.

-- Anonymous, November 18, 2000

There are bonded "pet sitters" that come and stay at your home and take care of your pets. It is probably no more expensive then boarding 3 pets. For dogs it is about $7 - $10. a day per dog here in the pandhandle of Florida. That is about $210. for a week for three animals at the boarding kennels. (I know ther is a place on the web because I had just seen it about three days ago.)

-- Anonymous, November 24, 2000

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