I Told Ya So!!! The Democreeps & Republicons:Only think about themselves to hell with America.greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
I am proud to be a Libertarian today yaw'll and would urge you to become more familiar with the party.The Libertarian Party is a party of Principle,can you say that about these clowns? The only thing they are about is their own ego's and power base,we don't mean anything to them,just tax dollars to pay them,thier constituents and cronies.I can truly say I despise both of them,they are equally void of anything redeeming,they are scum and do not deserve our attention,they are lying,cheating,stealing us blind.
If you had friends or acquaintances of this ilk would you tolerate it? I don't think so.
We will get past this turmoil but we have another choice that deserves consideration in future elections,you can see their true colors,can't you?
-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), November 13, 2000
I can truly say I despise both of them,they are equally void of anything redeeming,they are scum and do not deserve our attention,they are lying,cheating,stealing us blind.capn- I'm assuming your current venting springs from your perception of how Bush & Gore are currently handling this election mess. Correct me if I'm wrong about that assumption. If so, I'd be curious as to what either of them could have done (or could still do) differently during this process which would have changed your opinion of them. Also, how do you think Harry Browne would have handled the situation if he were in their position? How would *you* as a Libertarian Party advocate have handled it?
Seems to me both candidates are between a rock and a hard place here. If they play "hard-ball" they are viewed by people like yourself as whiney sore losers who don't care about "us". On the other hand, if they merely "roll over" they are viewed by those who voted for them as weaklings who failed to fight the good fight for "us".
Your thoughts?
-- CD (costavike@hotmail.com), November 13, 2000.
CD,Sorry for the delay of my reply but workin' under a deadline.
"I'd be curious as to what either of them could have done (or could still do) differently during this process which would have changed your opinion of them"
At first I thought GB was going to do the smart thing and just sit back and let the system iron out the kinks until a final number had been reached,well,it didn't take long for us to see the Rep's get ancy and go the courts for their redress.
It was obvious the Dem's were going to take any measure possible to achive the Presidency,Tues night/morning litigation was being mentioned as a distinct possibility and most of us knew a probability.
To me,the filing of lawsuits or the encouragment of lawsuits is out of place at this junxture in the process.I can have no regard for those that IMHO try and subvert the law for their personal gain with no thought whatsoever for the good of the country.
It's not like I didn't already have a low opinion of these two silver spooners from the git-go,but when they show total disregard for the citizens of this country by causing further divisiveness with their endless games and tactics it only further substantiates *why* I'm a Libertarian and distance myself accordingly.
It would,I guess,seem like crowing on my part(the tone of this thread),but the truth is,this shit saddens me,so excuse me if I came off as pompous or self righteous,sorry.
"How would *you* as a Libertarian Party advocate have handled it?"
I don't know about Harry,but personally I would have done as I stated in the 1st part of this reply and stood above the fray until action was my ONLY option and quietly built the goodwill of the citizens in the meantime.
Causing a bigger rucus than what had allready presented itself was not nessasary and it only serves to pit the people against one another and all in the name of two glorified political grandstanding silver spooners.I think a couple of good words that would have benefited either GB or AG well are "tact" and "class.Oh yea,how about statesmanship?
-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), November 14, 2000.
Thanks for the well thought-out response, capn. I would agree with much of what you had said. (And, no, I didn't feel you were coming off as "pompous or self righteous".)
-- CD (costavike@hotmail.com), November 14, 2000.