looking for "Born in the USA"

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Doula.Com General Discussion : One Thread

Can you help me find a copy of a program entitled "Born In The USA" about different birthing techniques? It was supposed to air on a Spokane public television station last week, but I couldn't find it.

-- Janice E Gray (mpci@silverlink.net), November 09, 2000


HI! It's a PBS show so you can by it from them. I'm not sure of the cost but I know it is available. Also, call the station. They can let you know where to buy it (from them probably) and/or when they will air it again. I know it is playing at different times all over the country.

Good luck, Kirsten

-- Kirsten Gerrish (kirsten@doula.net), November 09, 2000.

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