has anyone used the hasselblad xpan?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

is the hasselblad xpan worth the obscene amount of that they are asking?

i am a documentary photographer currently using leicas. recently, i have been quite taken with the look of the xpan. but i am concerned about potential problems with the camera, particularly the dual format system, under working conditions. it looks very sexy but is it worth the expense?

can anyone help?

thank you.

-- joshua (joshua@haruni.com), November 06, 2000


If you've got Leica's, how can anything else seem expensive?

I haven't used the X-pan, although I did pick up an old Widelux about a year ago and have found the panoramic format very rewarding. It is a completely different animal than any type of wide angle for a normal format 35, and it has been a great addition to my Leica bag

-- Rick Musacchio (rmusacchio@aol.com), November 06, 2000.

I've used the xpan on numerous occasions. It's sweet- no problems of any kind under all kinds of conditions. Optically outstanding. I have had nothing but good results from it. ( Light years ahead of the Widelux, which was good in its day...) G

-- Gene Duncan (gene_duncan@wda.disney.com), November 07, 2000.

Have just got mine and am delighted! Meter underexposed a tad but increadible images.

-- Roger de la Harpe (roger@africaimagery.co.za), December 18, 2000.

Great camera, great optics, easy to use... Read my full review:-


-- Chris Groenhout (groenhout@hotmail.com), May 08, 2001.

I've been using the X-Pan for abt a year now. Great camera and the lenses are really sweet. I've ended up now with 2 bodies and all three lenses. Go visit my website to be convinced: http://www.alanleephotos.com

Cheers Alan

-- Alan Lee (senna13@pacific.net.sg), July 29, 2002.

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