PSYC : LUSENET : Gwen's Trailer Trash Forum : One Thread |
Can't resist peeking can you? Anyway, some of the forums seem to have veered to regional jokes. Quick, before Gwen finds us, tell us your best state slammer jokes. But remember, there is nothing funny about Texas so no Texas jokes!
-- Anonymous, October 31, 2000
Oma!!! If I've ever in my life wanted to have something funny and witty to say, it would be right now. Too bad I can't think of anything.
-- Anonymous, November 01, 2000
I'm from NJ:What's the NJ alphabet? Fuckin A, Fuckin B, Fuckin C...
What's a NJ echo? "Helllooooooo?" "Shut the fuck up!"
What's NJ CPR? When you kick the person and yell "get the fuck up"
But I lived in Indiana for a while and our joke is:
Why do all the trees in Indiana face south?
Because Kentucky sucks and Michigan blows!
-- Anonymous, November 01, 2000
What do the cops in Oklahoma do when a strong wind comes along and blows over all the outhouses? Drive around and shoot looters.How many Canadians does it take to eat a rabbit? Just two. One to eat the rabbit and the other to watch for traffic.
What do you call a guy in Montana who owns more than one sheep? 1.A polygamist 2. A Mormon 3. A Pimp
Washington DC motto: Hey! Wanna be mayor?
What's a date like in New Jersey? Uuuuggh! Now get out!
Why do people in Arkansas go to so many family reunions? To pick up women.
My all time favorite bumper sticker: Hey, this must be good acid. It feels just like I'm driving.
-- Anonymous, November 01, 2000
Oh yeah, Indiana...the Hoosier state. That's where all the little kids ask each other: "Whose yer dad?"
-- Anonymous, November 01, 2000
What's the biggest word in Oklahoma?SSSShhhhhhhiiiiiiitttttttt.
-- Anonymous, November 01, 2000
(A little background- here in Australia, Tasmania is like your Arkansas.)Young Tasmanian man comes home and says to his mother, "The most wonderful thing has happened! I've met Ms Right!" Mother asks, "Is she a virgin?" "Yes", he replies. "Right, you have to dump her. If she's not good enough for her own family, she's not good enough for my son!"
Thank you, I'll be here all week. Try the buffet.
-- Anonymous, November 01, 2000
I've heard that exact joke using an Arkansas couple. Heh.
-- Anonymous, November 02, 2000
What has 24 arms, 24 legs, and 24 teeth? Twelve people in line at any Walmart in West Virginia.
-- Anonymous, November 03, 2000
There are no Ontario jokes because we're all too prim and proper to have any jokes that might offend someone.
-- Anonymous, November 03, 2000
Ho-o-o-rk! Ho-o-ork! Oh, don't bother to clean it up. Just call one of the dogs in, hon. They like pre-digested breakfast. :)
-- Anonymous, November 03, 2000