I-Author deluxe and VCD menu's error 10002greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I try to make asimple menu with I-Author deluxe for a VCD but a get the errror:error 10002: File D:\start1.mpg is not a track format. What did i do: Demultiplexed the mpg file with Tempgenc. Muxed it with I-Author deluxe Muxer. OGT was off, Pure VBR is off. Followed the insrtuctions of the Robshot guide. Chose voor menu VCD.What goes wrong?
I'll tried different settings in I-Author en used differnt demultipexers.
Can someone helpme?
Many thanks
-- Henk (h.westhuis@wxs.nl), October 26, 2000
i ran into this problem as well when attempting a menu'd VCD with i- author. i was told this is bug with the latest version of i-author. your only options are a) get an older version of i-author b) create a menu'd SVCD instead c) use another VCD authoring program (VideoPack??)hitechjunkie
-- hitechjunkie (jconde@tidalwave.net), October 30, 2000.
Thanks for the reply. I convert Div/x to VCD to run on my Philips 930. this player can't play SVCD. Can you help me with an older version of I-Author? In the forum Videopack is the program to have but you can't download it anywhere. Do you have any experience with WinOnCd PE 3.7. I downloaded it but it was stript. Thanks Henk
-- Henk Westhuis (h.westhuis@wxs.nl), October 31, 2000.