Buck Rag

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Quick question: Does a buck rag help to facilitate heat in does or is it used only in the detection of heat?

-- Tiffani Cappello (cappello@alltel.net), October 24, 2000


We just ried it on two doelings we just got a month ago-and it did seem to help the bigger one come into heat-she just seemed kinda confused and I tried the rag and wham-she figured it out. Maybe conincidence, not sure.

We had her bred on Saturday, and the other one who is slighly smaller had not shown signs of heat-until a couple of days after the other one came home smelling rathr bucky. The breeder we are working with told us that would probably happen. She said inher experience, having a buck around makes it much easier to tell when a doe come into heat, and seems to halp a younger (firsttimer) come into heat.

Hope that helps..by the way-after the first whiff of the rag-other than some interest nothing happened, it became obvious a few hours later-lots of noise and flagging. I let her smell it again and she responded quickly. Thenext am, as soon as she saw the jar I am using to store the rag-she went berserk! (that was Saturday) yesterday-she was absolutely not interested-not even a tiny bit.

-- Sarah (heartsong85@juno.com), October 24, 2000.

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