General DVD/VCD Questions - Pls Help : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Just had some general questions - hopefully someone can help answer:

1.) Are 80 min. CDR & CDRW more compatable as VCD than regular 74 min. because the compressed segment structure more closely resembles DVD? 2.) When buying a DVD player, is dual laser the way to go for more compatability with home brewed VCD? what other optiosn should I look for? 3.) Does the new DVD player functions like zoom and pan work on home brewed VCDs?

Thx. Tygrus

-- Tygrus (, October 23, 2000


im man

-- ali (, October 23, 2000.

The only wat to guarantee your home brewed ones are going to work is to burn one and take it to the store and try the different models. I ended up with the pioneer, which at the time was the only one that could play both CD-R and CD-RW. Be careful to watch enough of the video to make sure that even though it can play both that it does so with no problems. Some players would work but would freeze up after a couple of minutes.

-- Al (, October 23, 2000.

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