calf stopped eating : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I got a 13 day old bull calf this mourning, and banded him.Tonight he would not take bottle.Was the banding hurting or new place causing him not to eat. I know he is healthy.

-- Dennis Carpenter (, September 19, 2000


Response to calk stopped eating

Probably a bit of both. He will likely take the bottle again when he is hungry. No one really knows how much discomfort there is when a band is applied. I know when I got 'neutered' I was sore for about a week.

-- Ken S. in WC TN (, September 20, 2000.

Response to calk stopped eating

Leave it to you Ken , did they ban you too ? He's in a new home and yes he is a little uncomfortable and will be fine in the morning.

-- Patty Gamble (, September 20, 2000.

Response to calk stopped eating

Patty: No I was cut. I will say once they got me in the headgate I calmed right on down.

-- Ken S. in WC TN (, September 20, 2000.

Response to calk stopped eating

You guys need to get out more.

-- Soni (, September 20, 2000.

Response to calk stopped eating

Ya think ?Want to come over and baby sit ?

-- Patty Gamble (, September 20, 2000.

Response to calk stopped eating

My husband still hurts on one side everyonce in a while and it's been 10 yrs (don't think the Doc did it right) he was that one in a million that has problems afterward! I'm still gonna band those kittens when the cat has them!

-- Carol (, September 20, 2000.

Response to calk stopped eating

Thanks for the great laugh. You guys should get together and do a comedy show!!!!

-- Michael W. Smith (, September 24, 2000.

Response to calk stopped eating

Gee, I guess I must have been really lucky. I played volleyball the same day I got "fixed". :)

-- Noah Simoneaux (, September 25, 2000.

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