FS and Hmm-congrats on your yeoman efforts to save the forum (nt)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread


-- Lars (lars@indy.net), September 18, 2000


Lars -

{You need to get some geekster to put in a sound thingy to the Volga Boatmen tune here}.

-- flora (***@__._), September 18, 2000.

Thanks much for INVADING MY PRIVACY.

-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), September 18, 2000.

Invading your privacy? But, CPR, don't you want everyone in the world to know how to thank you properly for your wonderful, no, EXTRAORDINARY service to mankind in saving us all from the HORRIBLE DOOMZIES WHO WANTED TO WRECK CIVILIZATION BY BUYING BEANS? How will they do that if they don't know where you work? I know, you're just too modest to take credit for your great work. But don't worry, now everyone knows who to thank and where he works.

-- ABC (a@b.c), September 18, 2000.

-- we're (watching@cpr.moron), September 18, 2000.


"The only thing I gain is the knowledge that I helps [Sic] prevent some people who aimed at tearing at the Fabric of American Society. For that......I was willing to give up a great deal of income lost by spending most of my time DE-BUNKING the MYTHs and the MYTH MAKERS OF Y2k."
November, 1999


-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), September 18, 2000.

"The only thing I gain is the knowledge that I helps [Sic] prevent some people who aimed at tearing at the Fabric of American Society. For that......I was willing to give up a great deal of income lost by spending most of my time DE-BUNKING the MYTHs and the MYTH MAKERS OF Y2k." November, 1999

CPR: Income loss is really the reason why your so pissed. You lost a great deal of income fighting with the doomzies. I lost nothing, used all my preps, gained a world of knowledge of survival that I have already put to good use. The truth comes out, your pissed because you lost income. Whose fault was that? No one twisted your arm to take up the sword.

-- crying uncle (cryinguncle@cryinguncleee.com), September 18, 2000.

No one twisted your arm to take up the sword.

CPR is one of the few and the proud.......

All he has to do is put all his data on a website. Mission accomplished.

-- (time@is.nigh), September 18, 2000.

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