What did Duct Tape know in June,1999: "...Oil & Gas Industries Will Be Compliant on September 30, "

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Oil & Gas Industries Will Be Compliant on September 30, They Promise - Gary North's Y2K Links and Forums http://www.garynorth.com/y2k/detail_.cfm/5228 --

Gary North's Y2K Links and Forums

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Category: Power_Grid

Date: 1999-06-30 09:49:15

Subject: Oil & Gas Industries Will Be Compliant on September 30, They Promise

Link: http://detnews.com/1999/technology/9906/29/06290165.htm


Here are two different industries that face different y2k problems, but both agree: on Septenber 30, they will be ready.

None of this sissy July 1 stuff for them. Real industries take real risks.

This applies to U.S. industries only.

This is from the DETROIT NEWS (June 29).

* * * * * * * * * * *

The U.S. oil and gas industry is far along in preparations for the Year 2000 computer bug, an American Petroleum Institute study said.

Of the more than 1,250 companies questioned, 94 percent said they'll finish fixing and testing computers and making contingency plans by Sept. 30, according to the study.

"This makes us more confident than ever of our ability to deliver gas and oil reliably on and after Jan. 1," said Ron Quiggins, director of Y2K preparations for Royal Dutch/Shell Group's Shell Services International Group. "The industry's survey results clearly show progress." . . . .

The 6 percent of companies that will not be ready by Sept. 30 expect to finish repairing and checking computers and developing contingency plans by the end of the year, the study said. . . .

Nine out of 10 oil and gas companies are in the final phases of testing their computer systems and embedded computer chips, up from 86 percent in the January survey, the study said.

Link: http://detnews.com/1999/technology/9906/29/06290165.htm

-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), August 31, 2000


Well, unfortunately they lied to us. Major problems in the industry during the first quarter. We still haven't made up the lost inventory.

-- Whatever (who@car.es), August 31, 2000.

"Well, unfortunately they lied to us. Major problems in the industry during the first quarter."

They lied about what? Y2K? You believe the oil situation is due to Y2K problems? Are you Paula Gordon? Do you have some proof? I have yet to see anyone offer a shred of evidence toward proving this theory.

-- Buddy (buddydc@go.com), August 31, 2000.

Another classy post, cpr.

-- (nemesis@awol.com), August 31, 2000.

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