
greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Where did you go?

-- (neve@r.mind), August 29, 2000


Runaway Bridge 2000 Darwin Awards Confirmed True by Darwin (1 July 2000, New Mexico) Two young men driving a dark-blue two-door vehicle removed a barricade festooned with numerous warning signs indicating bridge closure, drove past several heavy construction vehicles, and launched themselves off the end of a demolished bridge in Albuquerque on Saturday. The car careened off the roadbed and plunged 30 feet before burying its front end in a dirt embankment at the junction of I-25 and I-40. The young men were taken into police custody unharmed. A spokesman for the state Highway and Transportation Department isued a public plea for common sense. "Don't go through those barricades. Find another route. It's the only safe thing to do." The seat belt law is strictly enforced in New Mexico, but unfortunately there is no law against stupidity. Has anybody seen the bridge?

Wheres that confounded bridge.

-Led Zeppelin

DarwinAwards.com ) 1994 - 2000 Submitted by: David W, John Jenkins Reference: Albuquerque Journal, Associated Press, Chanel 13 News

-- (H@wks.probable.location), August 30, 2000.

WHERE is Hawk? He hasnt been around in awhile come to think of it...

Hawk, come out come out whereever you are

You are tooo strong of a persona to let a troll run u off.

-- consumer (shh@aol.com), August 30, 2000.

And WHERE is Andy Ray? He used to visit Bok's all the time.

-- Oxy (Oxsys@aol.com), August 30, 2000.

Andy Ray and Hawk had a face-to-face meeting at an undisclosed hotel in Los Angeles. Neither have been heard from since. I'm a little jealous.

-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), August 31, 2000.

You won't be hearing from Andy Gay anymore, I made him eat his fingers so he can't type anymore. Creeper, you're next, pal. :-)

-- Hawk (flyin@hi.again), August 31, 2000.


Please expose this troll asshole! I am sick and tired of this! Everyone knows I stopped using the Hawk handle weeks ago, please post again confirming that this is NOT ME!

Thank you

-- the real bird (no@telling.assholes), September 02, 2000.

Unless of course YOU are the troll and Hawk is the real person.


-- J (Y2J@home.comm), September 02, 2000.

Still at it Dennis?

-- Monkey Spanker (monkeyspanker0@angelfire.com), September 02, 2000.

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