Editrix has a sprained ankle. :(greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
It seems that Editrix has twisted her ankle and will be AFK for a while but she wants all of us to hang in there and keep everything humming til she's back online again. So let's hear some happy tunes and keep posting here and at the new community. Ok? Thank you for your time and attention. : )
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), August 27, 2000
Okay, so no shit ... there I was ... minding my own business... coming out of a coffeehouse owned by a friend. And there this curb, this nasty, disgusting, mean-looking curb comes roaring up to me and knocks me down and trips me up, and lands me in the gutter. And the curb laughed a bitter, curb-like, granite laugh, and left me there for the EMTs to find. Splattered with ... coffee.I always knew coffee was a dangerous drug. Now I know.
Actually, I think it was the curb's fault entirely. It was a mean- lookin' little curb. Probably had spawned from a broken sidewalk somewhere down in Roxbury, never had a good job in its life, and had been lying in wait for some innocent young girl (me) with a lovely cup of cappucino in her hand to come wandering along.
There. Enough story for you? :-)
-- editrix (editrix@windhaven.com), September 01, 2000.
Laighe -- you're right! How could I have forgotten Mel there on the sidewalk in Derry, New Hampshire! It must be the painkillers -- momentary amnesia.Mel was ... splendid. Those eyes ... those sculpted features ... that ... curb! (It's his specially trained curb, you know. His Attack Curb. It follows him everywhere as part of his personal bodyguard service.)
-- editrix (editrix@windhaven.com), September 06, 2000.
Sounds like a story behing this.......any details on the accident, Edit?
-- vava shagwell (vavashagwell@hotmail.com), August 29, 2000.
Edit, you'll have to watch out for those curbs that are out to 'get' you! Thanks for the explanation of the incident that caused you all this pain (with no gain). Now as for the coffee, I don't think ANYTHING would warrant giving that up, do you??Heal quickly! Hope to see you soon.......
-- vava shagwell (vavashagwell@hotmail.com), September 01, 2000.
Now honestly! That poor little curb is getting all the blame when you know it was all Mel Gibson's fault. Mel was walking down the sidewalk, hoping to be recognized, when he saw you exiting the addictive brew shop, with your heavily "Irished" coffee in hand, teetering dangerously on your nine inch shocking pink stiletto highheels. He was enraged when you didn't seem to acknowledge his stunning smile or deliriously blue eyes so he tripped you! I think you should sue. Just don't mention the highheels or Bailey's Irish Creme in your coffee. That might taint the case.
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), September 03, 2000.
Yep, that's what I figured. You can't trust curbs or men with incredibly blue eyes.
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), September 06, 2000.
*looks into mirror and remembers my silverblue orbs* Hey now! I don't own a curb but you gotta watch out for us blue's *wink*
-- Drizzt Do'Urden (cscarlet@mail.pittstate.edu), September 07, 2000.