Looking for the best VCD site.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am aware that there are many VCD sites on the net. And when I mean "many", there are really many, probably 100 of them. Out of 100, I wonder how many of them are selling licensed original copies, and vice versa. Too many of them, confuses me. I just bought a DVD Player with VCD playability, and I am looking for a reliable VCD vendor. And when I mean reliable, it's in terms of quality, price as well as prompt shipping. Could someone please recommend me a (one will do, and I will always stick to it if it's good) site, so that I won't under-utilize my DVD Player.

-- Danny Pillman (dannypillman@mailcity.com), August 14, 2000


Well Danny, I agree with you entirely. I think the safer ones would be those big names like reel.com, amazon etc... but i think those will also cost you an arm and a leg to buy from....

For English vcds, I get them from videovalley.com, getvcds.com and for Asian titles ie Hong Kong movies and cartoons/anime ( for my kids), I go to sensasian.com.

My personal opinion is that they are reasonable in pricing and service is also decent. I believe they are Original VCDs, however of the three sites, I notice only sensasian actually displays an address...




-- peter huntsman (peter_huntsman@hotmail.com), August 15, 2000.

Look at the monitored list on the video cd section of www.d8a.co.uk for all legal videocd suppliers names and links.

-- Hemail Smith (hemail@ukfun.com), December 31, 2000.

I would personally recommend a relatively new company called newvcds. They sell unreleased VCD and DVD movies. I ordered a couple of videos from them and was very happy with the result. their email address is sales@newvcds.com

-- Jeremy Hollingshead (jdhollin_00@yahoo.com), April 15, 2001.

Actually, the last guest was slightly mistaken on the address, but i agree that they are a good company to purchase from. Their real website is: sales@newvcds.hypermart.net

-- sara cable (srcable@hotmail.com), April 15, 2001.

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