Hey Creepergreenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
You're just a date-expired box of hamburger helper, in the pantry of life!
-- Proud Prepper (preps@r.us), August 13, 2000
i shoulda let him be like other kids.- i was over-protective!! please send him lotsa=oreo's!
-- cpr's-mom. (dogs@zianet.com), August 13, 2000.
Ask Dennis the Dumb Olson about "helpers". He claimed on TV he had 200 boxes stashed to go with his cases of canned tuna and 450 gals. of water.
-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), August 13, 2000.
cpr=your preachin to the choir!--go to the lost masses--they need to be reminded=how yu saved the planet!!be-bold ol bean--take the plunge! are your hemoroids-acting-up??
-- pal-d. (dogs@zianet.com), August 13, 2000.
Dennis Olson is a Good Mormon.
-- (onlyadust@speck.wall), August 13, 2000.
i used ta be a mor moon!!but all my wives we,re ugly! and just because i tryed to pawn-a golden -bull. i was deleted!!
-- al-d. (dogs@zianet.com), August 13, 2000.