Sheck the meck's e-mail doesn't : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
LOL! Sunflower! Since Sheck the meck's e-mail is either broken or fake I decided to respond to your posting here. I looked up both of his/her suggested web sites and can't see why anyone wouyld've posted them here at all. Sheck must be a random nonsense posting, fake e-mail using, traveling psycho.
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, August 08, 2000
Not really a reply to your note laighe, Just wanted to say HI, Hope you're having a great summer. You're such fun:) C ya soon ...JAS (goal__)
-- Jas B (, August 09, 2000.
I'm having a fine old time but not nearly as fine as Sheck the Meck whoever the heck that is! Will you be chatting in Notebook or Exile anytime soon, goal?
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, August 09, 2000.