Last Picture Show : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

This post is for those who attempted some stock piling for Y2K in view of the fact some were not reassured, by the testimonies we read. Maybe sometimes, the things we are led to do, have nothing to do with the current subject matter which makes us compulse. Case in point: A couple of months ago, I loaded up my industrial sized containers of Y2K food, and took them to local Salvation Army. Low and behold, found out two bits of information while there. (1)That Agency had not received their monthly allocation from the State, it was late. The State was late in funds and food for the poor. Who will ever hear the silent cries? They Thanked me for my contribution. Thought I was nuts, I never did mention Y2K. This a.m., I load up the few remaining family sized portions of the Y2K stockpile, with the intent of dropping it off to the Salvation Army tomorrow. Just happen chance to visit a young non working relative, with a very handicapped child. Found out, sole bread winner husband had left because of pressure. I took one quick glance at her food closet, maybe last a week. Invited her out to trunk of car, and we "downloaded". She is not a greedy person, she would not say hardship, if she were lain ,prostrate. Some folks can call others fools, but missions are different, although the original alarm might have sounded the same. Thank God, I am un-stockpiled. Does anyone need un-ground wheat? You pay the shipping, that stuff is heavy! Some may remember, when all things were not as convenient as they are now. Thank you God, for your Blessings upon me and my family before me. You have sheltered us.

-- for those who (, August 06, 2000



-- al-d. (, August 15, 2000.

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