Come on's The Price is Right thread! : LUSENET : chatterbox: the amplified to rock forum : One Thread |
You can't NOT like The Price is Right. What is it about that show? Is it Bob Barker's skinny microphone, the big wheel the contestants get to spin in the Showcase Showdown, the people who consistently bid one dollar?You know you like it. You know you secretly wish you could be a contestant. What pricing game would you want to play?
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
Plinko. Plinko. Plinko.Again: Plinko.
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
I don't care what game... I just want to be a contestant onTHE PRICE IS RIGHT! Though in retrospect, I would want to do the Showcase Showdown. I would RULE! I would win both showcases! I believe that TPiR is a major contributor to A.) my rabid consumerism; B.) my achilles heel, which is game shows in general; and C.) my complete willingness to skip school/work only to lay around and watch daytime game shows.
TPiR is definitely my favorite, though if I find a game show on TV (even if it is a lamer like The Wheel of Fortune or Family Fued) I *MUST* watch it to the end. Surfing to the Game Show Channel is like stabbing the soft arch of my foot with a fork -- I simply must stop everything I am doing and deal with it until I pass out. Heroin can't even be this addicting. I am glad that it has a high number on my cable box.
I'm really into the new gameshow/talkshow/exibitionist-hooplah that is "Change of Heart" and "Blind Date." I don't know why. Is there help for this?
Also, If I ever did get on TPiR, I would NEVER kiss Bob Barker. EWW.
-- Anonymous, July 13, 2000
CLIFF HANGERS.(you know, the little yodeling mountain climber in lederhosen?)
This forum thing is cool. Is it still active or am I talking to myself again?
-- Anonymous, May 12, 2001