VideoPack4.0 Location : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Thanks to all of those who have been assistful in this forum. Alan in his question titled VideoPack 4.0/WinCDR 3.7 asked regarding the location to find VideoPack4.0 download on Doug responded with a site that unfortunately did not have this app, although contained many other useful utilities. I was however curious, if anyone did know where to find a "educational" copy of this program. I have posted a few questions in this forum regarding menus, including how to do them manually. As I have found per the responses, there is no such easy way. It is my understanding that VideoPack4.0 does this well and I have followed all the recomended links to where to find this app but to no avail. If anyone knows where to find it, I would be very thankful.

-- Dave Fischer (, July 06, 2000


Dave, as far as I know there isn't a trial version or educational version out there, but I know from experience with WinOnCD 3.7 that a good deal of your VCD problems will disappear with this program. Its easy to use. I spent a LOT of time in these forums trying Adaptec, Nero etc etc and always had problems until I downloaded WinOnCd and that all changed. Where I come from, you would have never seen a program like that on the shelf. I suggest you download it from and try it and if you are happy, then purchase your own copy.


-- Tygrus (, July 07, 2000.

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